Training prt.2

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Tanjiro s POV:

I woke up and looked around it seemed most villagers had woken up and Hanako was starting to wake up while Nezuko was still asleep Yorrichi suggested that I should make a basket or something that can carry Nezuko around without sunlight reaching her since she would probably sleeping at day so she had stored energy for night "Hanako?" I said "hmm?" She replied with sleepily "We should make a basket to carry Nezuko around in" I said "*yawn* okay but first lets get back home so we can get tidy and everything" Hanako said "okay if that's what you think is right" I say to her then Nezuko started to wake up "rise and shine Nezuko!" I say and as a response I got a "Hmm!" And a smile

Once they got back home

"*panting* H-how did you get all the way down there with traps!? And how did you get down there and all the way back while having COAL on your back!?" Hanako said. I chuckled as a response "well let's get cleaned up and get a basket for Nezuko. Then we can go sell some charcoal okay?" I said "okay!" Hanako says "Hmm!" Nezuko also says with sparkles in her eyes

After they got cleaned up and stuff

Once we had made Nezukos basket and got some charcoal we set off to the village, Nezuko didn't need to be in the basket because it was cloudy and the sun wouldn't be up for a few weeks Hanako kept asking me what my secret was for going up and down everyday

Once they sold stuff cause I'm lazy

We had finished selling stuff and was on the way back home until I caught a scent, it was the man who tried to kill Nezuko but in the end didn't I was surprised but ignored the scent thinking it was just a coincidence

Three minutes later

Never mind the depressed dude is following us we where only a little bit way up it would probably take us 30 minutes to get back home so I was a bit cautious about my surroundings and Hanako took notice of this "Onii-chan are you okay? You seem more cautious then usual" Hanako said to me "O-oh its nothing Hanako I'm just thinking about this weird dream I had" I said "Ooo~ can you tell me about this dream?" Hanako asked and I was nervous because there was a person watching us but I decided to tell Hanako I mean he wouldn't be able to hear us would he?

Well Tanjiro was wrong-

"Well after I got back and went to sleep I woke up to see a man who looked a lot like me (in this AU Tanjiros hair never got cut off) he told me his name was Yorrichi and I told him mine after we chatted a bit he started giving me tips like what breaths are and how to use them he told me that people overtime made their own breathing types Yorrichi also told me that once he spoke to you he would help us out with mastering the breath unless I told you all this info he also told me the current hashiras, and if ur gonna ask what a hashira is then it's the strongest people in the demon slayer corps. Currently there are nine hashira and the depressed dude that tried to kill Nezuko was the water pillar and he told me the rest of the pillars names he also told me what breaths they used. After that he said that the Hinokami Kagura was all the forms of sun breathing, sun breathing: known as the first ever breath to be made so basically the original breath and also the breath that the demon king also the guy who killed our family and turned Nezuko into a demon is scared of the breath cause it nearly killed him. But it can only be used by people who are very strong. Yorrichi said that if we started to learn how to use breaths then after we master a breath we should start trying to do sun breathing and ofc Yorrichi said he would help us with it idk how tho Yorrichi also said that if we do start learning breaths then we should try and learn breath of water first then start learning other breaths so he suggested we get in contact with the depressed dude aka the water pillar: Giyuu Tomioka and then more info" I said "That is a lot to remember-" Hanako says "Yeah-" then I notice that we had already got home "Well I guess I talked for so long we got home" I said with a chuckle at the end and "we should go get the book now to see" I said so both me and Hanako went to go get the book while Nezuko just went to sleep to get energy, I knew that the depressed guy wouldn't go inside wtich is mainly why I went inside so I could tell Hanako I decided to tell her when we got the book once we got to the book we saw...

Lol suckers wait until the next chapter (srry for calling Yalls suckers-)

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