The beggining of training

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After they cleaned up the mess in the house

No ones POV:

Tanjiro and Hanako had just finished cleaning the house and burying the corpse of their family now back to present time

"Okay so according to this book we should start training our senses" Tanjiro said "And how will we do that?" Hanako asked confused on what they where meant to do "Well it says in the book 'you should try and find a mountain or a hill of some sort ask someone to set traps and try to get to the bottom of the hill before sunset or sunrise depending what time it is once you have mastered that start making the traps more deadly, and then after you complete all that turn to the next page to see what to do next' that's what it says" Tanjiro said "Well who will set the traps then?" Hanako asked "Maybe we can ask Nezuko to do it at night for me, I will try and get down by sunrise and then in the early mornings I will make traps for you and you have to get down here before afternoon or at afternoon when the sun is starting to set" Tanjiro said with confidence that his plan will work "Wow! That's a great idea!" Hanako said, amazed at the plan her brother made. Soon it was 1 hour before the sun completely set so Tanjiro requested for Nezuko to set up traps at the mountain that would lead to the village where he would sell charcoal so Nezuko did. "Mmm!hmm" Nezuko was making muffled noises "Ah, are you done already?" Tanjiro asked "Mhm!" Nezuko said well it was more a noise but that's fine "Great! While I'm gone can you take care of Hanako?" Tanjiro asked and got a thumbs up as a response

Tanjiro s POV:

I was at the top of the hill getting ready to go down "All I have to do is get down before sunrise" I said to myself. This would be harder since I decided that once I got down there I would rest and then go sell some charcoal since we needed money to buy food and clothes "Three...Two...One..GO!" I said to myself and started running down the hill while trying to sniff out some traps while controlling my breath I was using the technique that father taught me if I can remember it was called 'full concentration breathing' Then I accidentally tripped over a rope "EEEEE!" I screamed as I had just fell into a pit 'ah so this is one of the traps.." once I got out I started running again. Nezuko definitely is a good trap setter, most of the traps I dodged but sometimes I didn't so I had a few scratches and bruises, once I got down my whole body was aching. Nezuko and Hanako where down here waiting for me to see if I would get down in time witch I did since it was probably only a few minutes until sunrise "Onii-chan are you okay! Come over here and rest me and Nezuko will bandage you up!" Hanako said in a worried tone "A-ah *pant* o-okay" and leaned on the tree "Are you sure you wanna sell the charcoal today? Y'know you don't have to!" Hanako said "Don't worry I will just sleep for a bit to get energy and I will be fine!" I said to Hanako "Okay..fine I'm only letting you go once, and you call me stubborn.." Hanako said after she said the last bit I chuckled "well goodnight I guess" I said then everything went dark

Tanjiro s dream:

There was a man in front of me with a sword that looked a lot like one of the ones at our house the man had long hair tied up in a ponytail his hair and eye colour looked a lot like mine "U-uhm who a-are you and where am I?" I asked the man "I am Yorrichi" Yorrichi says "w-well I'm Tanjiro" I respond with "I am here to help you with your training Tanjiro" Yorrichi said "but how will you do that? Isn't this just a dream" I ask confused "well technically yes but lets move on from that" Yorrichi said Yorrichi told me lots of info about demons and stuff and how there are lowermooons and upper moons he also told me about the demon slaying corps and all the ranks, he also told me that I should start to do a lot of workout and taught me how to hold a sword and showed me some breathing techniques. "Well you should wake up now since it's about 8am and the villagers are starting to wake up" Yorrichi said "yeah I guess I will see you in my next dream?" I say and then Yorrichi chuckled "Yeah.."

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