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Third POV:

After Quirrelmort fled the castle, Dumbledore had to find an emergency replacement. The only person he was able to find was an auror in her 60's, her name was Professor Camila Barnes. She wasn't very friendly but she was competent at least. She was rather like McGonagall in the sense she took no shit from anyone but of course nobody could be as perfect as McGonagall.

Hadrianus found that annoying Ron was his new favourite pass-time. He had charmed his originally carrot coloured hair a different colour each day. It had ranged from natural colours such as brown to outrageous colours (in school terms) such as neon green.

The shades of purple Ron's face had reached out of anger put Vernon to shame. Hadrianus committed the purple colour to memory after announcing to Ronald that "his mother had been looking to paint her bedroom and that was just the right shade of purple she'd been looking for!".

Suffice to say Ron's face had gone a colour that the others didn't even know existed.


The Potter-Peverell heir had sent Minerva's level of insanity off the charts to the point it rivalled even Bellatrix's. He'd moved everything in her classroom two inches to the left but did nothing else. Because all he'd done was move her furniture, it had taken her ages to figure out what was wrong with the damned room.

She'd felt like throttling the boy when she found out. She had no proof it was Hadrianus but she just knew it had to be him, nobody else would have had the nerve to. Perhaps the twins would have but they would have gone for something a little bigger but Hadrianus knew that something as small as what he did would be enough to annoy the living daylights out of the Gryffindor head of house.

The end of the school year was approaching quicker than ever and Hadrianus couldn't believe how much better his school year had gone this time round. He'd been sending frequent letters to his family, gushing to them about his pranks/achievements. It was nice to have people actually care about his happiness, refreshing really.

It was also nice to have new friends, in his first life Hermione and Ron had been the only proper friends he'd had until his 4th year when he met Cedric. And then of course the whole being in a different house this time.

Honestly, Anthony, Terry and Michael were amazing friends. It was like a second generation of Marauders, they even had the same hair colours as each marauder! Though, Anthony was much braver, better looking and funnier than Peter had ever been.

All in all, it was the best school year Hadrianus had ever had.

>>>>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>>>>

- sorry for any typos

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