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Third POV:

After returning to school, Hadrianus and his friends had to decide on what start-of-year-prank to pull this time. It was Anthony who actually came up with the idea this time.

They were going to turn the teachers into characters from The Wizard of Oz.

And it was going to be hilarious.


"Ready?" Terry whispered from their place on Ravenclaw table.

"Ready." The three other boys confirmed.

"Three, two, one!" Michael counted, raising his wand at one, alongside the others.

All four of them send purple and yellow sparks up into the air, causing the room to flash said colours for a split second and change the room and teachers accordingly.

When Hadrianus opened his eyes, he gawked at the sight, as did many others. Terry's eyes widened when he took in the appearance of the room. The walls were now green to match the emerald city and the floor was made of yellow bricks, to represent the yellow brick road leading towards the city. Two out of four of the tables were now lined with bright, blood red poppies, whilst the other two had all of its goblets and plates transfigured into little munchkins, identical to the ones in the film.

But the funniest thing of all had to be the teachers, well they weren't quite teachers anymore.

Dumbledore had gone from 6'5 to roughly 5'8, his hair had shortened considerably and his beard had vanished completely. He was the wizard of oz.

McGonagall had become at least 40 years younger and her hair turned pale blond whilst every blemish vanished from her face. Her robes also changed into a elegant but beautiful silver ball gown. She was Glinda.

Flitwick hadn't grown at all and had merely stayed at his goblin-like height. Instead he had filled out quite a bit around the middle and his hair now stuck up like horns. He was one of the lollipop munchkins.

Sprout had simply turned into a tree with arms and shiny red apples. She was surprisingly pleased about it.

But the funniest of all had to be Snape, he had shrunk from 5'9 to 5'3 and his hair had gone a reddish-brown. His body shape became that of a woman's and his features too changed to be more feminine. Even his black robes changed into a white shirt with a checkered dress over the top amd on his feet were ruby red slippers. He was Dorothy.

The hall was in complete silence until Sprout plucked one of her apples and lobbed it at Snape/Dorothy's head. It hit its mark and made a 'thunk' as it bounced off. When the apple came to a standstill, Hadrianus finally lost it.

He and the rest of the hall were wheezing so hard, their faces had taken on a tomatoes tone. It looked rather unhealthy how red they'd gone.

But it didn't stop there, of course not! No, it was a prank played by a Potter-Peverell and his friends after all! And so, Severus Snape or rather Dorothy got up and began to skip merrily down the aisle between the middle two tables, happily singing 'follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road!' until he'd left out through the door.

At that point, everyone (even the Slytherins) were rolling on the ground, tears streaming down their faces as many of them cackled like one of the Blacks.

This had to be in Hadrianus' top ten pranks of all time.

>>>>>>end of chapter>>>>>

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