It was only a kiss

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"Did yeh feel anyfing" Alex asked I looked into his eyes all I could see was hope
"I did but Alex it was only a kiss" i sighed
"It were onleh a kiss" he said with sorrow
"I didn't mean it like that Alex" I whispered
"Then Wha' did yeh mean" he asked
"We're mates you would never see me more that that" I mumbled
"What if I did and I do I like yeh Lucy" he said
"Alex don't do this here" i sighed
"Why not" he asked raising his eyebrows at me

"You don't know what you talking about" I whispered I didn't believe Alex liked me I had a pretty face but I did have a bit of weight to me so when people say they liked me I didn't really believe then because who would want to be with me
"I do kno' Wha' I'm talking about trust mEh Lucy" he begged
"But why me" I asked placing polly in her cot

Me and Alex made our way into Courtney's room since she was downstairs
"Because yehr pretteh,smart,funny" he started
"But I'm not" I disagreed
"Wha'"he asked knitting his eyebrows together
"I'm not pretty Alex look at me" I said I was trying my absolute hardest not to let a tear slip out
"I'm fat who would want to be with me" I said Alex grabbed my face smashing his lips onto mine for a third time

Once he pulled away he rested his forehead against mine
"Yer not fat yeh hear mEh your absolutely beautiful Don't let anyfing tell yeh different" he whispered wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks with his thumb
"I like you to Alex" I whispered Alex gave me the wide smile then pecked my lips softly
"Should weh give it a go"Alex asked I couldn't help but nod with a huge smile on my lips
"Come on let's go downstairs" he mumbled softly locking our hands together

We entered the living room to see Courtney eating a packet of salt and vinegar crips
"Aww WAIT ARE YOU TWO" Courtney squealed
"Giving it a go" I smiled
"Courtney stop shouting pollys asleep" I scolded her
"Sorry" she mumbled rolling her eyes
(2 weeks later)
After that day me and Alex have been going on little dates and often going out with the boys and Courtney or I'm helping Courtney babysit

Today was a Tuesday afternoon Alex invited me over to his for a while
I was sitting in his room Alex was showing me a song he's been working on since he says one day he wants to record an album and perform infront of loads of people i always supported him in his dreams since we both had the same dream really

"Up rolls a riot van and sparks excitement in the boys but the police men look annoyed perhaps these are ones they should avoid" Alex sang as I laid on his bed my eyes closed listening to his sweet voice strumming his guitar
"Wha' yeh reckon then"he asked
"Is that about that time we all ran from the coppers like last year"I asked giggling Alex nodded
"Its fucking amazing Alex"I said honestly
"Fanks luv" he smiled

"Wha' about yeh then yeh been practicing the guitar"he teased wiggling his eyebrows at me
I have a guitar at home an electric and acoustic both my dads and I decided to try and learn and to be honest I've been getting good at it concerning I've been practicing for months
"Yes I have Turner" I smirked Alex handed me his electric guitar
"Show is then" he said

I took the guitar from him and started to play the tune to can the can by Suzi Quatro I began to sing along as I played Alex was tapping his foot to the sound
"Stand for your man honey try to can the can" we sang together

"Tha' were fookin brilliant" Alex applauded
Giving me a few pecks on my lips
"Meh mum and dads going out for a few daehs why don't yeh staeh the night" Alex mumbled against my lips my eyes went wide I never stayed with Alex before I never stayed with a boy before
"Yeah why not" I replied trying to seem like I'm not bothered
"Yeh obviousleh don't have teh if yeh don't want teh" Alex assured me with a soft smile
"No I will" I chuckled

Later on that night penny and David left they said I was welcome to stay for the few days and there was money left for food
Me and Alex ordered pizza cuddling up on the settee watching a movie Alex chosen the green Mile
"Come on babeh" he giggled on the settee i was getting some beers from the kitchen

I placed the beers on the coffee table plopping down beside Alex who lifted the blanket from his lap so I could lay practically on him with the blanket around us

"Yeh comfeh" Alex asked brushing his fingers through my hair soothing me
"Mmhumm" i hummed nodding
Continuing to watch the movie

During the movie at the part when the coppers take John Coffey to the sheriffs house to help his wife i started to cry Alex noticed Alex hugged me
"I'm fine I'm just a big baby" I chuckled with tears in my eyes
"Yeh wanna watch summat else"he asked pecking the top of my head
"No I always cry watching this but it's one of my favourites" I mumbled so we continue to watch the movie

I must've fell asleep because Alex was gently shaking me awake
"Lucy babeh come on let's go teh bed" he tiredly whispered
"Mkay" I mumbled getting up Alex held my hand leading me to the bedroom since I was too sleepy to make my own way

Once we got to his room I collapsed on his bed I was wearing a pair of Alex's joggers and my vest top I slipped undercovers Alex climbed in beside me
"Goodnight Lucy" he mumbled wrapping an arm around my waist As I faced him
"Good night Alex" I whispered snuggling into him drifting off to my slumber

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now