Its christmas

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(December 2006)
We're now on break for a month or so then we're off to our next leg
We're back home in Sheffield Rhiannon was happy to be home again and see her grandparents

My mum was babysitting her while me and Alex when Christmas shopping for everyone
"Alex what about this for Ri"I asked pointing at a doll house that looks like every girls dream
"She'll luv tha" he chuckled picking it up and placing it in the trolly
We picked up barbie dolls and little arts and crafts things and many more toys she wanted

We were about to walk out the toy section of the store when Alex let out a huge gasp
"Babeh look Ri would luv tha'"he said gesturing to the light pink kids drum set
"Alex she's only three"I giggled
"So it's for the age of three anehwaeh Matt can teach her"he chuckled I nodded Alex picked it up and placed it in the trolley

We strolled throw more aisles looking for gifts for our loved ones
Christmas music filled the store
'It will be Lonely this Christmas' by mud playing i hummed along my fingers tapping the  handle bar of the trolley
"It'll be cold so cold with out you to hold"I quietly sang

Me and Alex went to the checkout to pay
The cashier was a young girl I'd say 22 years old she noticed who Alex was and kept staring at him
Alex had a hand on my hip pecking my lips making me blush

Finally we got home we quickly hid all the presents in the cupboard in our house before picking Rhiannon up from my mums
Alex sat in the drivers seat of his car while I sat in the passenger side
"I can't wait till Christmas"I chuckled
"MEh teh"Alex replied

I thought back to when we decorated with house with Christmas decorations Rhiannon loved all the decorations she placed the Christmas baubles on the tree while Alex had a hard time untangling the lights while me and Rhiannon laughed at him

I looked out the car window thinking about the memory's we made as a family how fast Rhiannon is growing up
Alex placed a hand on my knee his thumb stroking it slightly

We finally made it to my mums me and Alex walked into my childhood home all the Christmas decorations from when I was little hanging up
My mum and Izzy were decorating the tree with Rhiannon
"Oh look who's here"Izzy beamed to Rhiannon who turned her little head to see me and Alex her little face lit up

"Mummeh daddeh"she gasped running over to us
"Hello cheeky chops"I giggled picking her up placing her on my hip
"Ave yeh been good for granneh and Izzy"Alex asked Ri nodded her head
"Mummeh can I stay wif granny tonight"Rhiannon asked

"If it's okay with granny then yes"I replied
"Of course it's alright"my mum said smiling
"Do you need clean clothes for her"I asked my mum shook her head
"No I've got clothes for her I've got nappy's for her just in case"my mum said I nodded
Me and Alex have been trying to potty train Rhiannon she's been doing well except at night

Since we got back from tour Rhiannon's been sleeping in her own room some nights she wakes up crying to sleep with me and Alex
Alex tells me to learn the word no but he's one to talk

"Well you have fun with granny and Izzy"I smiled placing Rhiannon on the ground
"Give mummy and daddy a kiss"my mum said to Rhiannon
I kneeled down giving my daughter a kiss and a hug Alex did the same

Me and Alex got into the car and drove home
"Wha' yeh wanna do luv"Alex asked throwing the keys on the table then shrugging out his jacket
"Watch a movie"I suggested making my way to our room searching for fresh pyjamas
"I like the sound of tha'" Alex smiled

"I'll let Yeh pick as long as it's no' Those chick flick ones"Alex said entering the bedroom while I was changing
"The grinch"I asked throwing my pyjama top on
"Yeah"Alex replied shoving joggers on then placing the dvd on hopping into bed with the remote in hand

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now