Boy or girl?

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(One week later)
I'm now 12 weeks pregnant I'm getting ready for my scan today my bump is more noticeable to everyone now
Courtney was coming with me to the scan since Alex had work I didn't mind at all

"Hurry up Lucy where going to be late"Courtney groaned because I couldn't decide what top to wear
"I'm trying to look presentable and we won't be late your dads taking us"i chuckled

Soon enough I settled on a basic grey hoodie then Courtney's dad was in the kitchen talking to my mum waiting on us
"You ready girls"Courtney's dad John asked we both nodded

We entered the car and John started to drive to the hospital
"You nervous Lucy"John asked I nodded
"Yeah I know they might be able to tell the gender around this time"I said then Courtney gasped
"Oh my god we should have a gender reveal party"she beamed
"But how"I asked I had no clue how these things worked
"I seen it on tv I'll plan it no one knows the gender only me and i plan the party"Courtney explained I nodded
"Okay then"i smiled gender reveal party won't seem that bad

We finally arrived to the hospital and made our way to the maternity ward
"Lucy handen"the doctor called me and Courtney stood up and made our way to the room
"Hello Lucy how you feeling"dr Milburn asked
"Yeah not to bad just the usual mood swings and weird cravings"i chuckled
"If you hop on the bed please"the dr asked I nodded and went on the hospital bed
She applied the gel on my bump
"Your showing now"the dr smiled
"Yeah Alex loves the bump funny enough"I replied

"Where is Alex"she asked i explained that he had to work today that's why Courtney's here
Courtney was looking at the screen in amusement
"Wow is that the baby"Courtney asked dr Milburn nodded
"That's fucking insane"she mused
"Well I can tell the gender if you like to know now"dr Milburn said
"Could you tell Courtney we're going to do a gender reveal"I chuckled dr Milburn nodded and took Courtney out the room while I wiped the gel off my bump

I was dying to know what it was but a gender reveal party would be amazing that means me and Alex can find out at the same time

Once we were out the hospital and on our way back home Alex was already in mine wanting to know how the appointment went
"So who was it"he asked I plopped on the sofa beside him
"Baby's developing amazingly and we could have found out the gender but we're going to have a gender reveal party"I said Alex nodded
"It's a girl anehwaeh"he chuckled I nodded
"No you twats is boy"nick argued he come over with Alex
"Guess we just have to wait and see"Courtney smirked

(2 days later)
Today's the day we got our keys to the new house we and Alex immediately went over to get started on some painting
"I can't believe we've got a house"I sobbed
"Oh babeh don't cry"Alex shushed
"I'm sorry it's these fucking hormones I hate them"I chuckled

The gender reveal party was tomorrow aswell we were having it at Alex's parents house out the garden
"I'm buzzin for tomorrow"Alex mumbled while painting the walls of our living room a dark blue colour
"Me too"I replied watching him paint the house

Our sofa came today aswell surprisingly so I laid on it since I can't do most of the work
"Stop staring at mEh arse Lucy"Alex called still facing the wall 'how did he know'
"I'm not staring at anything"I said
"Yes yeh are yer starin at mEh arse"he smirked turning around to face me making me giggle
"Stop flattering yourself"I laughed
"We'll do mEh a favour and break mEh nose"he chuckled I rolled my eyes at his stupidness

"Your nuts"i chuckled Alex placed his paint brush down smirking at me walking over to me
"Onleh for yeh babeh"he smirked crawling on top of me
I grinned at him "I was looking at your arse"I chuckled Alex raised an eyebrow
"I'm gunna charge yeh next time mEh arse is extremeleh valuable"he said in a serious tone I only laughed at him

"Right lover boy get back to work"I said Alex groaned getting off me
"Yer no fun"he mumbled I playfully slapped his butt making his chuckle
"I'll show you fun later"I smirked

(Next day gender reveal party)
Today's the gender reveal party I was super excited Alex was too we woke up in his room and I immediately went to the shower only for Alex to join me not in a sexual way we washed each other's hair and body's and Alex talked to my tiny bump

"Ello little one daddeh here"Alex chuckled kneeling down in the shower
"I can't wait teh meet yeh yer mummeh is being a mardeh bum all the time because yeh keep making her feel sick"Alex said making laugh
"Anehwaeh daddeh luvs yeh and I'll see yeh in another few months"Alex said placing a kiss on my belly

After our shower we got dressed Alex wore a white polo shirt with his blue jeans and his classic reeboks
I wore a white bodycon dress that shows my little bump perfectly I also wore white converse with my denim jacket I left my hair in is natural state which was straight but wavy
I applied some makeup aswell to make me look more better

"Yeh readeh"Alex asked I nodded
We both went downstairs to be greeted by our friends and family
We greeted them all and went outside
I was talking to a few girls I used to go to school with but they moved 2 years ago

Alex was taking to the boys they were laughing and joking then talking about the band
"Everyone time to pop the balloon"Courtney shouted me and alex walked over to the little sign that had the balloons on them saying
'Mummy and daddy pop the balloon too see what I am' I thought it was cute

Me and Alex had a balloon each and a pin we stood there counting down from 5 the boys got their money out hoping it's a boy

Pink confetti burst everywhere my face showed nothing but joy Alex face was priceless he was smiling like an idiot
"It's a fookin girl babeh we're having a girl"Alex shouted wrapping his arms around me
The boys came over to us groaning
"Pay up fookers"Alex chuckled as they handed us the money
"Your not actually taking the money"I asked Alex nodded
"That's the whole point of a bet luv"he shrugged

The rest of the night me and Alex got hundreds of congratulations and gifts for our baby
"I'm so happy its a girl"I smiled I didn't care what the gender was as long as my baby was healthy and happy

That night me and Alex were in his bedroom opening the gifts my mum bought a crib and a Moses basket
Penny and David bought a pram and those little seat things
Our friends bought toys and some clothes for the baby

"Aww al look"I said showing his this babygrow that had 'baby Turner' written on it
"That's cute"Alex chuckled laying down on the bed
"Come on Lucy get some sleep"Alex said I nodded putting everything by and climbed into bed with Alex

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now