Forgeviness and stuff

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Jess' POV

She slowly pulled away from the kiss and I opened my eyes to look into those big blue eyes. I could drown in them, they reminded me of the ocean. She smiled at me, still a little confused.

She still loved me. How? What did I do to deserve her, how could she ever have forgiven me for the things I did to her. But those things are in the past. I learned to forgive myself and now she finally forgave me too.

But when I looked away from her, I saw a whole crowd that hadn't forgiven me yet. I totally forgot everyone was still there at the gazebo and they were all staring at us. Luke was still trying to draw their attention away from us but he wasn't very successful. I can't blame him, it's a pretty hard thing to do when a whole crowd is planning to decapitate someone.

I guess Rory saw I was distracted by something, so she also looked back at the gazebo. I guess I wasn't the only one who forgot how nosey the people in stars hollow could be, because she cursed when she noticed them.

"Fuck, were they there the whole time? They couldn't hear us right?"

"I don't think so"

I know she was worried about one particular person: Lorelai. I knew she would be the hardest one to convince I wasn't the same boy I was years ago. The others were simply planning to kill me, but Lorelai looked at me like she wanted to burn me alive.

"I- uhm. I have to talk- to my mom, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. I- uh, I'm going to go change into something dry. You know try to make a semi good impression on the people who may or may not hang me for this."

"I'd say there's a 50/50 chance, if they got the permits Taylor wants to see. I gotta change too. But first I gotta talk to my mom. I'll see you back at the town square in a bit?"

"Okay. I'll be the one with the snapped neck."

She walked back to the party, directly to her mom. Before I turned my back to them and went inside Luke's I saw Lorelai angrily talking to Rory.

I went up the stairs to the apartment I'd lived in for more than a year. It was small and I didn't even have my own room but it was one of the few places I ever could call home, maybe the only place.

I looked in the closet. There must still be something there that was mine. I laughed when I saw the Metallica shirt, thinking about the look on Luke's face when he saw it. I found some things in the back of the closet and put them on.

When I looked in the mirror I noticed the big smile on my face. I started replaying the whole conversation and the kiss in my head, not believing it actually happened. I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn't even notice it when Luke entered the room.

"So what was that all about huh?"

I turned around with the biggest smile on my face and saw he was almost just as happy as I was.

"She loves me. Luke, she still loves me."

"So what now? She's leaving."

"I'll wait for her. Just like you waited for Lorelai, Luke. And about Lorelai, can I just say something? Stop the act, come on man, you still love her."

They were so meant to be together, I honestly couldn't believe it when I heard the broke up, it was the biggest bullshit I ever heard.

"No, we've broken up Jess, it's over."

"Oh come on, are you kidding me? I say you go over there and you're gonna tell her that you're an idiot and still love her. Really, you should just get married already. Because I'm telling you, Luke, you're gonna die alone if you don't."

"Oh okay thanks for that beautiful little speech there. I feel a lot better now. But do you really think she still wants me?"

"Well, if Rory could still want me, you also stand a chance my friend."


I hugged him, the man who felt more like a dad than my real father. Telling him he should get back together with Lorelai was something I had to do, I wanted him to be happy. But there was one other thing I still had to do: I had to talk to Lorelai. She meant so much to Rory, so I wanted to get along with her.

"Okay, Luke? Before you talk to Lorelai, can I talk to her first? There are some things I need to fix."

"Sure go talk to her, try not to get killed."

"Rory said there's a 50/50 chance, so the odds are great."

I walked out of the diner and crossed the street as fast as I could because it was still raining. Once I reached the other side of the street I saw Lorelai with her arms crossed as she gazed in the distance with a concerned look on her face. I guess Rory already talked to her, but I have no idea what she said. She hadn't noticed me until I was right next to her. Nervously I started talking.

"Lorelai? Hi, can I talk to you?"

"If you must." She said in a sarcastic tone that luckily didn't sound very angry.

"Look, I know you hate me okay. I know you don't trust me and you hav- had every right to. But you have to understand that I'm better now."


"I love her, Lorelai. I do. You have to believe me."

I tried to read the expression on her face, but I couldn't. At least she hadn't yelled at me. Yet.

"Look Jess, I don't hate you. Have I thought about hunting you down and setting your house on fire while you're asleep? Maybe. Do I want to devil-egg your car again. Yes, absolutely."

"That was you?!"

"Not the point, but yeah Rory and I never made better use of deviled eggs."

There's a mystery I always wanted to solve. I should have guessed it was them.

"Jess, Rory means everything to me. She is my entire world, so it's a little hard to like the boy who got her into a car accident and left her without saying goodbye."

"Yeah, I know."

"No you don't know, as a mother it's my job to keep my child safe and there you were with your reckless driving and your 'the world can bite my ass'-bit and well, you reminded me just a little bit too much of myself when I was your age."

"So you know what it's like."

"Coming from a messed up family messes a kid up, I know. And I would have cut you some slack, if only my daughter wouldn't have been involved."

So she didn't forgive me. I almost started to walk away when she began to speak again.

"But she's not a child anymore and neither are you. You grew up, just like I did. And I'm actually kinda proud of you, you know? Luke told me all about the publishing house and the book you wrote. And coming back here, risking to be chased down with pitchforks by the entire town, it takes some courage."

"Thanks." I said confused.

"I can tell you're doing better now and I can tell you care about Rory. I can't say I trust you 100%, but I'll give you the chance to prove yourself. You get extra brownie points for not asking her to stay, because I don't want her to give up her dreams for anyone."

"No of course, that's the last thing I want. She's gonna be an amazing journalist someday and I'll be there to remind her of that."

"I know. I guess I should thank you. When Rory finally returned to Yale I thought she did it all on her own, but she just told me you were the one who gave her a final push in the right direction. So thank you."

I nodded to her in appreciation for everything she was telling me. It made me feel a little emotional.

"So we're good right?" I asked just to be certain

"We're good."

We both awkwardly stood next to each other for a few seconds.

"Wanna hug it out?" She suddenly asked.

The question threw me off for a second but then I smiled and quickly hugged here. I did it. Getting forgiveness from 2 Gilmore girls in one day, that must be some sort of record.

Rory and Jess: Everything fixedWhere stories live. Discover now