Chapter 5

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Leo's POV:

mommy left me at the table while she went to go look for her friend but i'm getting hungry i don't think mommy will get mad at me if i go get some food i stand up and start to look for food i spot a buffet table full of food yayy i make my way to the table and try and get a plate but i'm to short i can't wait till i'm tall , taller then mommy i didn't

notice there was a big man standing behind me "hey kid you need help " he asked me i don't like new people they scare me so all i do is nod "what's you name buddy ? " he asked i get the courage to tell him "Leo, how about you sir " i say respectfully mommy always told me to be nice and respectful "hello Leo , i'm name is Luca " he

says i put my head back down before he can say anything else i hear mommy " LEO !LEO ! baby where are you " i hear her she sounds like she going to cry just as i turn around mommy runs to me "oh my baby what did you do i told you to stay at the table my love " she says nicely "i was hungry mommy and Mr.Luca offered to help me get food " i tell her but the moment i said the name Luca she looked like she had seen a ghost .

Heaven's POV

"i was hungry mommy and Mr.Luca offered to help me get food " the moment Leo said Luca i froze i haven't heard that nice since the night he was made after what felt like hours but really where a couple of seconds someone clears their throat i really hope i don't have to see him maybe

he wouldn't notice that Leo is his i turn around that there he is in all his glory "Luca " i say it comes out like a whisper but he hear me "babygirl " is all he says "mommy i want my food " Leo says and i pick him up and that's when the light hits

Leo's face and i look over to Luca he's just look straight at Leo he parts his lips to say something but before he could Savana came up to his side i felt my heart hurt from the way she hugged him come one Heaven get a hold of your self he's not
your , you only have his kid that's all nothing else

" oh hey baby i see you met my daddy's business partner " Savana says he was just looking between me and Leo until he snapped out of it " oh she is ? i was talking to this little guy here " he says looking a Leo and smiles then Savana looks at Leo " oh you have a kid i didn't know that where's his dad at ? " she asked and i already

know where she's going with this so i give it to her just how it is plus i'm not scared of her i have my own money i don't live off my fathers money " yes he's my son his name is Leo and no his father isn't here " i say looking at her also looking a Luca i see hurt in his eye when i say that but what does he expect for me to be like oh yeah your boyfriend over here is my baby daddy oh and he just found

out makes no sense to me " that sucks poor kids doesn't have a dad " she says before i can say anything Leo yells at her " you ugly donkey leave my mommy and daddy alone you look like a clown " i can't help be laugh a little at my boy he to much sometimes Savana looks mad as fuck that

he called her all those things but i have to be a mom right now " baby you don't say those thing be nice say sorry " i say to him " no she was mean to you and daddy for no reason " i see that he's not letting this go so i'll have to be the one to say it " sorry Savanna " i say it so emotionless i don't mean that apology at all .

Luca's POV

"sorry savanna " my babygirl says i can tell she doesn't mean it but i know she just saying so savanna can feel better i really want them to sit at our table this little boy looks like exactly like me just with her hair i have a son and she didn't tell me but then again i can't be that mad at her she doesn't know i'm in the mafia let alone the leader

of one "baby let's go sit down " Savana says i look at Heaven and see the pain in the eyes but she quickly covers it up with a smile " would you like to join us ? " i ask her "oh no i wouldn't want to disturb you guys while eating plus i have to go back to the table we were at to feel my prince " while pulling Leo closer to her " oh no please join us i insist " i say to her giving her my million dollars smile

" yeah mommy let's go with him " Leo says i love this kid already even if he might not be mine but i know for a fact that he's mine he has to be "okay baby we can go with him " Heaven says in a sweet voice to our boy we go and sit and eat the party goes on for a while till about 12 after Mr.De Luca gave his speech and then Heaven did her's i really want to talk to her to know if Leo's mine and if he is then that would be better but i also want her to know i want her to be mine only mine no one else's .As the party ends i see her and Leo getting ready to leave i'm not going to go after her right now i want to give her time

after i said my goodbyes to the De Luca family i make my way to the car where my driver is waiting for me "hello boss " he say i nod my head " Brian take me this address and make it quick " i say and he nods and i make my way to my queens home i won't let her leave me this time nope never again .

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