Chapter 11

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Luca's POV

"Then what is so bad? " I asked now fucking annoyed that he's taking long to get to the dam point . "Boss he's parts of a gang that is based out of New York but is growing fast also he a hit man " he says in to the phone at this point I don't know what to think if he's

a hit man then that means that someone else is up to this but who ? This shit really starting to make my head hurt . " alright just make sure everything is set for me to take my son and Heaven home " I say into

the phone "WAIT WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY !!!!" I hear Xavier yell into the phone " yeah now stop yelling I'll tell you when I see you bye " i tell him " alright bye capo " .I need to get both of them out of here now and home ASAP time to get my family home hopefully my mother won't be to what do you call it umm overwhelmed yeah that it ha time to tell Heaven to go ..

Heaven's POV

Luca came back to where me and Leo where and told us " hey it's time we get going it's gonna take us a minute to get there " he says " okay that's fine let me get something to drink then we can go " I tell him .

I go to the kitchen to get some water I'm really scared right now but I can't show it I need to be strong for Leo . Once I'm done drinking the water I head back to where the boy are and they are playing together.

That warms my heart maybe I should really let Luca in maybe we can be something great but I don't know I'll see I just have to think about it .

"Hey you guys ready ?" I ask them , they both turn towards me and Leo runs to me " mama where we going" he asked " we are going home mio principe" Luca tells him "we are ? " Leo asked looking at me with hope in his eye " yes my sweet boy we are going home with daddy " I tell him.

"Yay I can be with daddy now!" He yells and runs to his dad and hugs him like he's going to disappear which I hope he never does. "Okay my prince let's go I have the jet ready to go " Luca says to Leo " okay apa " Leo says and start to make his way to the door .

" You ready to go " Luca asked me "yes of course kinda nervous haven't been in New York in a long time " I tell him he walks up to me and looks me in my eyes and tell me " I will not let anything happen to you or Leo you guys are my life now " he says kissing my forehead letting the kiss linger a while longer .

" okay " I whispered to him he the grabs my hand and we head to the car Luca up the door for me and Leo and we made our way out . Once out of the house I see a Black SUV sitting in front of out house and man get out and opens the back door .

We walk up to the car another guy takes out suitcases and puts them in the back " Mrs. Russo , my name is Brian .You may enter the vehicle " he says "oh Im- " I couldn't even finish my sentence

before Luca came behind me and said " Thank you Brian " and then picks up Luca and tells me " come on gattina get in the car we have to go my love " he tells me and with that I get in the car and the Luca and Leo get in .

Brian then gets in and starts driving while the other guy sits in the passenger seat. It's take us about an hour or so to get to the airport but we went to the part where they have the private plane at I'm guess Luca owns one .

We pull up to the air strip and I see the Private plan and it's gorgeous I get pulled out of my thought by Luca " babygirl " I turn over and see Luca looking at me "yes " I say "it's going to take us a while getting there when we get on the plan you can sleep more " he tells me I really don't know why he's telling me this weird but I'll go with it "okay I'll take a nap I guess " I tell him .

The car comes to a stop and Brian comes out and walked over to open the door Luca walks out first and then picks up Leo I follow behind them we make our way to the plan and walk up the stairs and walk to the seats .

Once we get to the seats Luca sits down while Leo does the same as is father the pilot comes out and says " Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Russo, we will be taking off soon so please make yourselves comfortable". I really don't know why they keep calling Mrs. Russo but as usual I can't correct them because loving Luca won't even let me speak ugh he's getting annoying already but anyways now that I think of it I'm still kinda sleepy .

"Hey I'm going to nap " I tell Luca " you can go to the room back there if you want there's a bed and that why you won't have to sleep on a chair" he says " yeah thanks I'll do that" I tell him "mama can I nap with you" Leo says "of course my love let's go" I tell him

He comes to me I pick him up and move his hair out of is face " have a good nap buddy " Luca tells Leo . Leo is already on my hip putting his head between the crock of my neck and once he does that I rock him so he slowly falls asleep. Leo just nods and start to close his eyes my sweet boy I love him so much .

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