Chapter 6 - Disney and Tears

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Troye’s P.O.V.

As we were about to walk out the door Connor got down on one knee, I thought my heart was going to fucking explode. But what he said confused the living hell out of me. “Troye Sivan Mellet, will you accompany me during our trip to the wonderful, magical Disney?” I thought I was going to smack him for being a smart ass and almost giving me a heart attack. But I smiled so much I totally forgot about it. I bent down and kissed him. I said, “Yes Connor Franta, Yes I will.” After everyone got done with there awe moments we went down to the cabs. Well actually Marcus, Caspar, Alfie, and Zoe took cabs. Connor and I took Connors car. Once we got into the car and started driving I looked over and saw that Connor still had a smile plastered on his face. “What are you smiling about?” I asked Connor. “Nothing” After Connor said that he put a cd in the radio. It didn’t have a picture on it so I didn’t have a clue what was on it. When it started playing I thought I was going to cry. It was a cd of all my songs; the first song was We’re My OTP. Of course Connor just had to start singing along, after a few lines I joined in with him. After a few minutes of singing along to all my songs we pulled up to Disney. This isn’t my first time to Disney, but it felt like it. Because I was going with my beautiful boyfriend. I love that word, boyfriend.

Connor’s P.O.V.

When we got out of the car Zoe basically tackled us. We were having a blast until we saw some fans, of course we all love seeing fans don’t get me wrong; but Troye and I can’t show any signs of the fact we are dating. Because 1) the fans don’t know that I’m gay and 2) they don’t know that I’m dating any one. As soon as we left our fans and we were out of sight of them Troye and I linked arms and got a lot of coos from our friends. I turned to make a face but I was stopped because Troye stopped and tensed up. When I turned around I saw Tyler sitting on a bench with Korey. They were laughing and carrying on until Tyler looked up and saw us. He got up and walked over, when he did so, Troye tensed up and balled his fists. I rubbed soothing circles on his back. When Tyler got within’ reaching distance he pulled Troye and I into his embrace.  He started crying and said “Sorry, I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean do this I was just on a jealous hype. I’m really sorry.” Troye and I changed glances a few times and just by looking into Troye’s eyes I knew what we both wanted to do. We let go of Tyler and I said “Tyler, I forgive you; but Troyeboy over here…” Troye put his hand over my mouth and said “Shut up Connor, of course I forgive you Tilly.” After that Tyler went to get Korey and then we all walked around and rode some of the rides. It was starting to get dark out side and Troye looked like he was about to pass out right in front of me so I told everyone that I was going to take Troye home. Our friends said they would come by around noon for lunch tomorrow. I agreed and half walked half carried Troye to the car. Almost as soon as he sat in the car he fell asleep, I smiled and kissed him on his temple and said “I love you baby” He mumbled a response but I couldn’t quite tell what he was trying to say. Basically the whole way to my house consisted of me singing along to Troyes songs. When we got there I ended up waking Troye up because I was to tired to carry him, even though I didn’t want to wake him up. Again I half walked half carried Troye to the door. Once I got the door unlocked it was quite easy getting Troye to the bed, the only problem was convincing him to take off him clothes. He ended up take his clothes off in sloth speed. I quietly giggled at him and took my own clothes off and hopped in bed. As soon as Troye was done getting undressed he laid his head on my chest and was out like a light. I slowly drifted to sleep to the sound of Troyes breathing and the melody of We’re My OTP on my mind.

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