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- Highschool


As the school year came to a close summer was just around the corner, you were excited for all the next things you and Connie could do together and if everyone had the time Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Armin, and Sasha could join with you guys.

On the last day of school you and Connie walked home together cheerfully happy that freshman year was finally over and that next year they would finally be sophomores, even though that may not seem like fun you and Connie usually looked on the brighter side of things, or at least you both tried to.

You both thought of it as almost two years that you both had left of high school and you both wanted to go to the same college, you both had it all planned out together but if your grades were always good and where you both wanted them to be usually an all A's or A and B honor roll, you both were good influences on each other so where one person lacked the other would come and pick right up again.

"Aren't you glad this is our last day! Just think about all the things we can do this summer." You said dancing while walking "I'm excited too! We should go to that one water parks we've always talked about going to! What was the name again?" "[Water park name] and this year since you're finally taller than me we can get on all the rides that we haven't been able to get on!" You said shaking his shoulders.

It was like this every summer after the school year, either you both would walk home together and talk about everything you both could do together or either his mom or your mom would pick the both of you up from school and the three of you talked about it in the car on the way home.

You both continued walking when a black car pulled up beside the both of you, the both of you got suspicious of the black car and began speed walking home trying to get far away from the car, but the car sped up as well, when the car was right beside the both of you the window came down revealing Angela and her friend in the car, Connie sighed in relief while you sighed in irritation.

"Hi Baby!" Angela said from the passengers side of the car "Hey." was all Connie said giving her a boyish grin "How about we give you both a ride home." Angela suggested you was about to decline her "very generous offer" but Connie replied before you could quickly agreeing to what she asked. Connie opened the door to the car for you and you quickly hopped in with him following right behind you before quickly shutting the car door.

"So what we're you guys talking about?" Angela said turning around in the passengers seat to look at you both "We was talking about the things we would do this summer that we couldn't do some years ago." Connie answered "Yeah? Things like that." Angela asked again "We're gonna go to [water park name] this year and it's gonna be fun." Connie told Angela excitedly.

Angela smiled and glanced at you "How about I come with you guys." Connie shrugged his shoulders and looked at you for an answer. "We can go with her the next time we go, we usually go places more than once in the summer." Connie nodded his head and looked back at Angela who looked mad yet annoyed at the same time.

"We'll go with you next time we go." Connie replied obliviously "Fine." was the only thing Angela said before turning back in her seat. You looked up at saw her friend who was looking at you through the drivers mirror and quickly looked away once you caught her staring at you.

Her friend pulled up in front of Connies house letting the both of you out the car without saying a word, this obviously upset Connie but you didn't really think much of it because you thought Angela would just be a temporary thing, but once again you were wrong.

You both walked into Connies house how mother greeting both of you at the door with a smile "Bienvenida a casa mis amores, ¿estas emocionada de estate fuera de la escuela? (welcome home my loves, are you excited to be out of school?" "Yes Ma, ma and N/n was talking about going to [water park name] this summer."

"Sounds like fun, I'll talk to Chine [Your mom] about it today." You and Connie nodded and headed into the living room, you picked up the remote opening hulu to put on the Bernie Mac show, you was about to click play when both you and Connies phone rang. It was the group chat Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Sasha.

You both answered and saw everyone's faces in the camera Jean, Eren, and Armin were playing the game the first person to speak was Mikasa in her usual calm tone.

Mikasa: We wanted to know if you wanted to go to [water park name] with all of us in two weeks.

You and Connie looked at each other brimming with complete and utter excitement, not only were the two of you going, the others wanted to go to the same water park as well, you both agreed to go once both of you asked your parents. The conversation continued until Connies mother told
the both of you to come on, the all of you was going to your house since your mom invited Connie and his mom for dinner tonight.

You both left the FaceTime call and went to the front door to slip on your shoes before walking across the street to your house. Upon entry the food was already finished to the three of you washed your hands to fix your own plates.

Your mom, dad, and brothers were already sitting at the table after the three of you fixed your own plates you all sat down and began eating your dad and brothers were already engaged in a conversation about basketball and football about which sport is better leaving you, Connie, his mom and yours to talk about the waterpark.

"Connie and Y/n was talking about going to [Water park name] this summer how does that sound." Connies mother asked yours "Sounds good when are they trying to go?" Your mother asked looking at the both of you "In two weeks on Saturday, some of our other friends invited us today after we told Connies mom." To which Connie nodded agreeing to your statement.

Your mom looked at Connies mom and they both nodded "So looks like we're going to the water park in two weeks." your mom said happily getting your dad and brothers attention in the process. The three of them smiled and so did you and Connie.

You both messaged the group chat letting them know that you and Connie would be going to the water park with them to which they immediately responded being excited about the both of you and Connie going to the water park with them.



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