Life's Lessons!

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Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well! The rewrite and re-configuring of this story is up! It is called Life's Lessons! Please check it out! It is still a soulmate avenger story, however our love interest due to popular demand is Bucky Barnes! Our favorite staring contest champion! Please give it a read and let me know what you think. This story will also be published on AO3. Note for my younger readers! The new rewrite is rated mature mainly for language and some sexual situations and jokes! I won't tell you not to read it! Just be advised! 

Now here is where we need to talk. I'm a broke college student who's job keep cutting her hours. So I am thinking of making a patreon! You would get to suggest stories, characters, plot lines, and even have your OC appear in my works. You would also get access to polls about what to write wether its an original story or a work of fan fiction. You get to be super involved in the process! Even Sneak Peeks at upcoming chapters before they are uploaded! Now as for my most recent story "Life's Lessons" since it is a rewrite there will be no fan input on it. Now as for an upload schedule. Tuesdays and Saturdays will be story upload days! Now if I did a patreon you would get these chapters a day earlier! So on Mondays and Fridays. Please let me know if that's something you would be interested in. If you hate the idea thats totally valid! I am just throwing out ideas! Please let me know what you think. And read Life's Lessons! Its a pretty amazing 360 from the all over nature of this story. Happy Reading! 

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