Meet Again(Diluc x Reader)

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PS: This one-shot is long. So, good luck and have fun reading!

It's already sunset, and the Tavern was busy today, but Diluc is not tired yet. He's not surprised that he got a lot of customers, and he already knew that his wines are on top of the list of the best wine restaurant in Mondstadt.


Diluc sighed because he already knew who it was, and it's that darn bard who kept forgetting to pay for his wine. He didn't turn around to face him, and he focused on drying one of the mugs he washed a few minutes ago.

"I apologize, Venti. We ran out of Dandelion wines." He put the mugs inside the pantry, and he turned to face the tone-deaf bard.

"Oh, no. I'm not here for that! I came here to tell you something important." Venti sat on a chair as he rested and crossed his arms on the table. Diluc raised one of his eyebrows, signaling him to continue what he's going to say.

"There's a lady who came here in Mondstadt a few minutes ago. I don't know why I felt she's a Goddess from somewhere." Venti's face looked like he's curious about this woman. He hasn't seen anyone like her for years. Maybe, she's a Greek Goddess? Or reincarnate?

"How can you tell she's a Goddess?" Diluc asked.

"I just got that feeling, that powerful feeling. I felt that woman is a good Goddess because I felt empowered when I'm near to her." Venti's expression went from joy to sadness. "I think you're not going to believe me if I told you about this."

Diluc was silent for a bit. He thought Venti was going to ask or say something ridiculous, but he was curious.

"Carry on."

Venti cleared his throat and continued. "So, she was heading to the church, and I saw her face after I stopped playing my lyre on top of the statue, but I noticed something weird. I know I wasn't tired or drunk, but she kind of looks like (Y/-" Venti was about to say the name, but Diluc stopped him with his claymore pointing at his face.

"Do not say that name." Diluc frowned at him as he pointed his claymore to Venti's face. His blood started to boil as he thought this might be Kaeya's one of his pranks and asked Venti to join him.

Diluc was in love. Once. He stopped loving someone after she left him, and no, she didn't leave him for someone else. She died in a fight between one of the Fatui members. Diluc was finding the person who killed her, but he gave up after three years of searching. He chooses to be alone and kept serving the winery. There are times that Diluc goes to the place where he and (Y/N) was staying every weekend, but he only went there to celebrate her birthday and bring her (favorite flowers) to her tombstone.

"Hey, put your claymore down and let me finish. If you think this is a prank, it's not, and if you still don't believe me? Then go out and look for yourself, Diluc." Venti said as he slowly put Diluc's claymore.

"And if it's not true, you are not allowed to enter here for a month," Diluc said as his claymore disappeared and headed to the door. He quickly told one of his workers that he's going out, and he will come back before nighttime.

"And if it's true?" Venti asked with sparkles in his eyes because he already knew that he's going to get his favorite wine for free.

"You already know the answer."

Diluc went outside and started to look around for the woman that Venti mentioned. Yes, he knew that it might be a prank, but he can't help it. He needs to find that woman who looked like his first love.

As he kept walking around, people were almost gone, and some of them already left after they closed their shops. He turned left to head to the Mondstadt's gate, and he saw someone unfamiliar standing in the middle of the bridge.

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