Briceño vs. Reinacher

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Two weeks since Shane was wrongfully arrested for falsely causing Ryan's death, Andrew decided to stalking his classmates from High School again.

He thought to himself one day, "It's time to torment some of these cunts again. Who's next?" While Andrew was stalking his previous classmates, he came across a post from Chris about attending a fraternity party with Norberto. He said to himself, "Found my next victims. But what Saw trap can I use on these motherfuckers?"

When he reached a decision, he started planning on how he would kidnap Chris and Norberto, and where he would sequester them.

A few days pass, and Andrew saw from Norberto's Fleet that he and Chris were about to make their way to the fraternity party. Using the same tools, doing the same tactic that he did, alongside the precautions that he made as he was about to kidnap Ryan and Shane, Andrew proceeded to follow Chris and Norberto on the road.

Once he parked his car to a nearby curb, Andrew slowly walked behind Chris and Norberto.

A few seconds of following later, Andrew suddenly hit Chris and Norberto hard on their napes with the bat. After that, Andrew tied Chris and Norberto up before putting tape over their mouths. As he loaded both of them in the trunk of his car, Andrew drove to the set of where the opening trap of Saw VI was filmed, which he got from extensive research.

Once he arrived, Andrew made sure that nobody else was at the studio, even though that day was a Sunday.

When he was sure that nobody was inside, he prepared the set with his own kitchen tools and makeshift tourniquets, never taking his gloves off in the process. As Andrew finished setting up, he put Chris and Norberto on opposite sides of the room. After that, he went back to his car and made both Chris and Norberto wear his recreation of the opening trap of Saw VI.

Afterwards, Andrew rigged the room to play the voice recording that he made for them when both of them pulled the pins from their traps.

Once he finished, Andrew immediately drove back to his house. He disposed of the mask that he used, and made sure to wash the gloves that he used. After that, Andrew turned on his TV and started watching videos on YouTube.

Meanwhile, in the set where Chris and Norberto were sequestered in, Chris woke up and immediately pulled his pin.

When he noticed that he was wearing some contraption over his head, he yelled out, "What the fuck is going on?" This woke Norberto up, absentmindedly pulling his pin in the process. Chris screamed, "Dude, you just fucking put our lives at risk, man!" Norberto said, "I thought we were going to the frat party. What the fuck are we doing here?" Chris replied, "I don't fucking know, man. But whatever this shit is, I'm going to win."

All of a sudden, the voice recorder started playing.

The voice message said:

"Hello, Chris. Hello, Norberto. I know you guys are wondering who this is, but I don't wanna be a killjoy. Guess for yourselves. But anyway, I heard that you both like playing games. Well, then. Let's play one. The devices that both of you are wearing right now is my recreation of the opening trap of Saw VI, albeit much deadlier. Both of you are notorious for manipulating people to questioning themselves, no matter who they are to both of you. Society would call both of you gaslighters. I call both of you pseudointelligent people. You both outsmart people for your personal gain. And now, it is your turn to use your supposed intelligence to survive. The scale you see in front of you is your only hope to be freed. In 60 seconds, both of you must compete in who has a heavier level of intelligence, using only the tools provided to you. Fail to do so, and not only will you get screws in your temples. Do you both think that you're Eddie and Simone? There's a gun aimed against each of your chins, which will shoot a bullet straight through your skulls as well when the timer goes off. Who can prove that they're the smarter one? I leave that decision to the both of you."

As the voice message ended, the timers on both of their traps started.

Chris asked, "What the fuck do we do, dude?" Norberto said, "We could try cutting the chains off of these knives." Chris replied, "Sure, let's do that." So, Chris and Norberto spent a few seconds trying to slice the chains off of the knives that they were supposed to use with the cleaver on both of their tables.

They stopped when the screws started entering both of their temples.

Norberto said, "That shit didn't work. Let's try a different knife." Chris asked, "What knife are you using this time?" Norberto replied, "You wanna try this smaller knife?" Chris replied, "Anything to get us the fuck out of here, dude."

So, Chris and Norberto tried cutting the chains off the knives with the smaller knife on their tables.

A few seconds pass, and they were still unable to cut the chains off. All of a sudden, the screws entered further inside both of their temples. After that, both of them heard the gun against their chins cocking, which caused both of them to scream loudly. Chris asked, "What the fuck should we do now, dude?" Norberto answered with a panicked tone in his voice, "I don't fucking know, man. I'm freaking out!"

Chris and Norberto decided to try cutting the chains again, this time going back to the cleaver.

Norberto exclaimed, "Why the fuck isn't this shit working, man? Surely this knife's sharp enough." Chris suddenly said, "Dude, I think this mysterious person wants both of us to cut our body parts off. But I'm too scared to do that shit, man!"

The screws on both devices entered further on both Chris' and Norberto's temples, causing both of them to drop the cleavers.

Norberto said, "We don't have another fucking choice, man! Let's hope your plan works." But just as both of them grabbed their cleavers again, both of their timers went off. So, the screws fully impaled both of their temples, causing both of them to fall to their knees. After the screws fully impaled their temples, the guns underneath their chins shot a bullet through both Chris' and Norberto's skulls, killing both of them in an instant.

Their bodies were found the next day by an employee of the studio, which he immediately reported to authorities.

A few hours since Chris' and Norberto's bodies were discovered, Andrew watched the news coverage about their mysterious deaths, which claimed that no sort of print from the killer was left at the crime scene, which caught authorities off-guard.

While watching the news coverage, Andrew started laughing to himself.

As his laughter died down, he rubbed his hands together and said to himself, "19 cunts remain. Which people from my Satandamn former classmates should I torment next?" But then, Andrew suddenly thought to himself, "Wait. I should cool off with using the Saw traps for a while, though. I don't want the five-o to think that some massive Saw stan is on the loose, posing as some real-life Jigsaw killer."

To be continued in Part 10...

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