Chapter 16

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Elena looked outside the window as Elijah drove the car. She looked down at her ring before looking at Elijah.

"So, where are we going?" Elena asked.

"Utah." Elijah answered.

"Oh." Elena said, turning her attention back to the window.

"How is Jeremy?" Elijah asked.

"I don't know he left me a while ago." Elena informed, not showing a hint of any emotion.

"I'm sure he's okay." Elijah assured.

"It's not like I care." Elena said dismissively.

"So you say." Elijah replies.

Elena leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, knowing that they were going to be on the road for a while.


Elijah pulled into the driveway of a modern 2-story colonial brick house. He looked over to Elena, who was still sleeping, and he couldn't resist the smile that came across his face.

"No, I won't do it." Elena mummers in her sleep.

Elijah wondered what she could possibly be dreaming about. Just as he was about to wake her up, he heard a name that he thought he would never hear again.

"Ester." Elena mummers, as she begins to stir in her sleep.

Elijah pauses and furrows his eyebrows at her. Before he could do anything, Elena's eyes shot open. She seemed to be frozen in place as she stared silently at the full moon. He was shocked when he saw tears in Elena's eyes.

Elena let out a shaky breath as pain, guilt, and regret flooded her mind. Elijah pulled her into his arms as she let out a gut-wrenching sob, he could only imagine the pain she was going through. All he could do was whisper sweet nothings in her ears as she cried, he had never felt completely and utterly useless until now.

Elena clings to Elijah as he carries her into the house. He sits her down on the couch before sitting next to her. She leans her head against his shoulder trying her best to stop crying. Her eyes betray her as her tears flow more violently. Elijah wraps his arms around her body and they stay like that until Elena falls asleep.


Elena wakes up in a bedroom she had never seen before. The walls were gray, 1 large painting was hanging above the bed, to the side of the bed were 2 matching gray end tables that held 2 matching lamps and other various items. The bed itself was gray, while there were plain white sheets on top of it.

The small knocks on the door caught her attention. She looked down making sure she was decently dressed before telling him he can come in. Elijah entered the room with a worried expression on his face. He seemed hesitant to talk, unsure of what to say to her, and scared he might say the wrong thing. She senses this, so she is the first one to speak.

"Thank you, for everything." Elena's voice came out raspy and hoarse.

Elijah nodded to her and smiled softly before he sat next to her on the bed.

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