Chapter 4

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Elena slowly opened her eyes, unsure of how long she had been asleep. She felt extremely weak, her vision was blurred to the point that she couldn't see anything, and her body felt like it had been set on fire. Elena let out a weak moan, unknowingly alarming Klaus that she had woken up. It had been a week since she fell unconscious and Klaus had started to worry.

The closer Klaus had gotten to her the more she felt it, the overwhelming amount of need coursing through her veins.

When Klaus finally got close enough, Elena grabbed his arm with all the strength she had.

Her breathing grew heavier as she tried to bring his arm closer to her.

Klaus quickly realized that Elena was in some kind of trance, he would have stopped her, but he was curious where this was going.

Elena ruthlessly bit down on his skin with her dull teeth.

Klaus chuckled and pulled his arm away from her, he had gotten the message loud and clear. He bit into his arm, allowing the blood to flow down his arm. He held his close to her, but too far for her to be able to reach it.

"Is this what you wanted, love?"

Elena reached her arm out to Klaus in a feeble attempt to get to his blood.

Klaus smirked before sitting on the bed and putting his bloody arm on her mouth.

Elena drank deeply from him, allowing his crimson red blood to flood her body, soul, and mind.

Klaus had known this was going to happen when he had come into the room, it was the last step of the ritual.

Elena was slammed back into reality, she quickly pushed Klaus's arm away from her mouth, realizing what she had done. Elena was mortified at what she had done, but that feeling quickly turned into anger.

"What the hell did you-"

Elena's words died in her mouth as her eyes landed on Klaus. It was as if she had laid her eyes on him for the first time in her life. She quickly forced herself to look away from him, hoping that he hadn't noticed her racing heart.

"I didn't quite catch that."

Elena did not respond to him.

Elena kept her eyes off of Klaus, trying to focus on anything else.

"Elena, look at me."

Elena felt tempted to do what he said, but she stopped herself.

"Why should I? You kidnapped me and kept me locked down here for..."

Now that she thought about it she had no clue how long she had been in this room.

"I only took what is mine."

"I am not yours."

Klaus chuckled, had she forgotten who she belonged to?

Klaus roughly grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him.

"You belong to me, Elena. You are mine."

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