Chapter 7: Confirmation

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"I appoligise for questioning you like that but I had no other choice. I have come to the conclusion that Kira is not among us." A sigh of relief escaped all our mouths including mine. Suddenly Ryuzaki's phone began to ring from his pocket.
"Hey!" I shouted pointing to his pocket.
"That's unfair!" I continue as he calmly grabs the cell out.
"Excuse me." He says, opening the flip phone and holding it at the top two corners with his fingers. Such an unusual man with unusual ways.
"Understood, we're almost finished here anyway. You have they key so let yourself in." He finishes and hangs up the phone directing his attention back to us.
"Watari is on his way." Just then, the door to the apartment opens and in enters a man quite familiar. Without The others seeing I smile at him as he does the same. Watari has seemed quite nice and humble, but there is something about the old man that just makes me want to give him a big hug. Taking his hat off and holding it against his chest Watari spoke.
"Gentleman...and Lady, it's an honor to meet you all" he smiled sincerely at his words.
"What happened to the usual outfit?" Mastuda questioned.
"If I dressed like that normally I would simply be announcing to the world that I am Watari. That's all it takes to give away the location of headquarters and Ryuzaki." His words were calm but showed slight fear at the chance of that ever happening.
"Oh I see" said Matsuda.
"I wouldn't ever show my face to any of you, the fact I am proves that you have won Ryuzaki's trust." Ha! Trust. That's exactly what I want from him. To trust me enough to reveal his name. I already know His identity it won't take me long to find out the rest. Knocking me out of my thoughts Watari opened a small suitcase looking object to reveal fake badges containing fake names and ranks. Ryuzaki explained that these were what we were to use when in a situation causing us to give out name to a stranger but to not take them out when around fellow officers as it can cause...trouble. As we all agreed to what Ryuzaki said Watari began to speak again opening yet another suitcase that held identicle belts.
"I would like to advise you to wear these at all time if you please." Watari asked. It seemed each one had a tracker in the buckle allowing Ryuzaki to monitor our whereabouts. Watari then demonstrated that when you press the buckle twice it sends a call to his phone displaying your name and he will call back right away. You will all go to work during the day as usual and at the end we will use that number to confirm time and anything else to do with our meetings.
"Miss Ktoko, I have a braclet that does the exact same if you press the middle button." Watari smiled warmly as I held out my hand allowing him to clip it on.
"No way this is awsome! I feel like an International CIA spy going after Kira!" Matsuda smile in joy. I froze at his words as the Chief scrolled the young man for fooling around. The Chief and I exchanged brief looks.
"Yes Sir." Matsuda lowered his head. Interrupting the small feud Ryuzaki spoke up.
"Chief Yagami, who exactly is at the police station at the moment?"
"Uh. Nobody is there actually in this current time."
"That's not good, sombody must be there at all times. Work in shifts if you must."
"I understand completely. Aizawa, I'll put you in charge of that today." Aizawa stood up to leave the building.
"Got it Sir. I'm on my way" he said turning and leaving the room. There was a small discussion after about who would take what shift and what our next move is. Ryuzaki dismissed us all after that.
"Goodbye Ryuzaki and Watari." Chief Yagami said his farewell while waiting for me to collect my belongings.
"Thank you." I bowed slightly at the Chief as he held the door open for us to exit. Closing the doors behind himself I could hear a sigh escape his mouth.
"You knew." He said, my back still facing him. Yes I did, but it wasn't confirmed.
"I wasn't completely sure until we arrived. I had my suspicions of course but without evidence I couldn't report anything." I finally turned around to face the man.
"I understand. Does this also mean he knows about you?" Mr Yagami's face showed he was worried about my cover being exposed. It wasn't...yet.
"All he knows is that I work for the Task Force, am a part of the Kira investigation and I rent a room next to him."
"Good, it would blow your cover if he knew who you really were."
"In that case, if you really don't want my cover to be blow I suggest we stop talking about this if front of his room." I point to the door the both of us just emerged from. Mr Yagami nods, bidding me a good day and leaves. I sigh out if exhaustion and walk to my room. Pulling out my keys I here a click and the door next to me opens with a head poking around the corner. Raven black hair dangled towards the patterned carpet floor. I look up to see Ryuzaki's face peeking around the side of the door. Did he hear everything? What if he knows my secret? What am I supposed to do now?!
"Ayame. We need to talk." Ryuzaki says bluntly before leaving the side of the door and going back inside his room. I gulp before walking back into the room I was momentarily in, closing the door behind me.

Yoooooooo so sorry I haven't uploaded in months. I have my own life and it's gotten quite busy. I started getting notifications from wattpad over the weekend and then started to re-read my story and realized this was still in my drafts. (This story is so cringe and childish) Anyways enjoy another chapter!

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