Chapter 2

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Y/N- Your Name   Y/E/C- Your Eye Color


You got sorted into Ravenclaw and sat on the Ravenclaw table, people were cheering for their new house members. After the feast you followed the line to the Ravenclaw tower, as you were walking you heard someone say, "Did you like the pudding?" you turned around and saw a blonde girl smiling at you "I'm Luna Lovegood" she continued "Hi, I'm Y/N and yes I did like the pudding". You guys talked all the way to the common room, little did you know both of you were roommates in your dorm while still talking with Luna you entered the dorm and saw a 5th year girl on one of the 3 beds in the dorm. "Cho Chang here, quidditch seeker!" "Y/N Lupin" you answered. The 3 of you talked about tons of stuff and didn't even realize it was already midnight, "*yawns* Guys its already midnight and I'm really tired can we talk again tomorrow?" you asked, they both agreed, and you laid down and slowly drifted to sleep.

The next day you woke up, it was still dark out you checked the time it was 5:01 am. You were to awake to fall asleep again, so you took a book from your trunk and read it. Checking the time again it was 7 already, you then changed to your robes and went to the Great Hall, on the way there you accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, I-" "Better watch where you're mudblood!" you were cut off. "Excuse me, I believe YOU should watch where you're going. You were the one running in the first place." I reasoned with him, as I looked at him in the eye it was the same guy on the train yesterday, one second he was glaring at me but as soon as I met his eyes he had almost a petrified look on his eyes that he tried to hide but I can see right through it.

Draco's POV

"I could recognize those Y/E/C eyes anywhere" I thought to myself, the same girl I saw on the train in the same compartment as Potter's. I stopped glaring trying to hide my petrified look on the girl I fancy. "You again!" I managed to blurt out. "Malfoy right, next time I see you again I'm really gonna make you regret it." she said as she left. "I can't believe I tried to bully her; I must make a better impression on her!" I thought to myself again. I went to the great hall for some breakfast before our early quidditch practice. Surprisingly Y/N was sitting on the Slytherin table talking Pansy, I thought Y/N despises Slytherins, I guess not all.


I thought all Slytherins were bad, I saw Pansy sitting alone so I decided to join her, talking to her was a blast. I though making friends at Hogwarts was hard. "Are you going to watch the Slytherin quidditch practice later?" Pansy asked, I didn't know what to say but I went along with it and said yes. She offered to walk with me to the pitch where they'll be practicing, of course I nodded. As I was nodding she stood up "How's my favorite chaser doing?!" she exclaimed, I then saw Draco Malfoy "How did I not see this coming?" I thought to myself remembering she was talking about him but the way she described him it was to good to be him. "Are you going to watch us practice?" he asked not noticing I was there, "Yup, is she the girl you were talking about in the train yesterday?" Pansy said pointing at me, I put my hand on the side of my face to try to hide it but she put my hand back down which made me look at him and smiled awkwardly. "Yes she was the one I was talking about." he said and Pansy had the smile of a 5 year old on Christmas morning, "Now I know what you meant by she looked like a-" Draco glared at her which made her stop from continuing what she was about to say. "Well then, I'm going to the library to study before class starts." "But I thought you were watching the quidditch practice with me later on?" Pansy told me with a pout, "Just come and find me in the library before you go, ok?" "Sure, see you later" she said as we both waved goodbye.

Draco's POV

"Draco, what did you do again?" Pansy asked, "What do you mean again?" I asked back. "Well, you obviously did something to make her leave" she said, "Well I might've called her a mudblood..." I said rubbing the back of my neck, "You better watch who your calling mudblood, you surely didn't know her father is the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who's a pureblood" leaving a petrified look on my face, then pansy started snapping at my face "Earth to Draco???", I just sat on the table and ate some food, I made sure to Pansy that I was fine even though I wasn't. I mean, I'm being enemies with HER. After eating I stood up and told Pansy I was heading to the pitch so she can go fetch Y/N.


I just finished reading when Pansy came to fetch me to watch the practice. We raced each other at the halls to see which one of us was faster, Pansy was panting so much that she had to stop but I didn't cause I have a little bit of wolf in me. As I reached the pitch I looked around to see Pansy limping, of course I helped her out and I found a nice seat to watch them practice. "Ey, we got a Ravenclaw spy!" I heard someone yell but I didn't mind him since I don't know what he was talking about, but he flew to me and said "Get out of here spy!" "She's no spy Flint, I brought her here to have fun!" said Pansy, "Leave her alone mate, she's here to have FUN let her watch!" I heard Draco say. The guy so called Flint then flew back to them with a disgusted face, "Thanks Draco!" I said with a small smile, he smiled back and I then looked back at Pansy. "Well looks like someone's blushing..." said Pansy in a teasing tone.


Word count: 1065

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