Chapter 1

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Y/N - Your Name


It was your first time at Hogwarts. You went onboard into the train and sat with your dad.

Remus: "So, excited for your first time at Hogwarts?"

Y/N: "What if everyone hates me, what if I won't have friends, what if I can't find Harry?"

Remus: "Slow down pumpkin, first of all, everyone will like you, you are special and if you don't find Harry it's fine."

Y/N: "Thanks dad"

You sat on the opposite side of your dad. A few minutes later Remus fell asleep while Y/N was reading a book. Three people came inside the compartment, it was Harry and 2 other people.

Hermione: "Are the seats taken, most of the compartments are full?"

Y/N: "Oh no, the seats aren't taken."

Hermione: "Thank you, I'm Hermione by the way, Hermione Granger. This is Ron and Harry."

Y/N: "I'm Y/N Lupin."

Hermione: "Are you the daughter of our new professor?"

Y/N: "Yes"

Everyone looks at the corner near the window opposite of where you're sitting.

Harry: "Y/N is it, you look awfully familiar to me but I haven't seen you before."

Hermione and Ron gave you a puzzled look. You were searching for words to tell Harry that your dad and his dad were friends before, yet you couldn't, so you gave him a confused look, pretending and showing him that you don't understand. After that awkwardness, you started the conversation from favorite colors to when to start hanging out when class starts. Suddenly the train slowed down, you didn't understand what happened because we should arrive at Hogwarts in the next 20 minutes, then it was like the train had broken down or stopped working it somehow felt odd even though it's my first time riding the train. All of a sudden, we felt unhappy it was like all our rush, adrenaline, and happiness were sucked out of us. About 2 minutes after, Harry fell over his seat he fell on the floor shivering like crazy. There was this creature on the door of the compartment it was like a skeleton inside a black cloth, my dad woke up and muttered something "Expec-" was all I understood then the creature backed out, Harry stopped shivering but he was unconscious. I knelt down to see if he was alright, he opened his eyes "Who was screaming?" he asked, we didn't know what he was talking about we didn't hear anyone scream. "No one was screaming Harry" said Ron helping him get back to his seat. My dad gave harry a piece of chocolate.

Y/N: "What was that, dad?"

Remus: "It was a dementor." (Looks at Harry) "Eat you'll feel better."

After my dad left to check the driver a blonde guy with 2 other guys came."

Draco: "Is it true potter, you fainted?" (laughs with the other 2 guys sarcastically)

Ron: "Shove off Malfoy!"

Draco: "Awww did poor Weaselby get scared of a dementor?" (laughs again with the 2 guys)

Y/N: "You better watch your mouth blondie,  before you regret it!"

The blonde guy looks at my head to toe eyeing me down, but it's not intimidating me. I was also eyeing him down like prey, staring at him deeply but his eyes were pretty I almost got lost in his eyes. I had to focus on staring at him.

Draco: "Another mudblood in the school!"

Y/N: I am no muggle-born, I am a pureblood. I came from the family line of Lupin and Black. Call me a mudblood once more and I SWEAR to merlin YOU WILL regret it!

The blonde guy was stunned, he looks disappointed but at the same time happy. It was weird I told him to get lost and they left. "YOU'RE A BLACK?!" yelled Ron, "My grandma was a Black, she's Andromeda Black." I answered.

Word count: 629

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