Paris | Bucky and Steve

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warning: sexual content (clues in the title).

I'm not even apologising for this one. This one's on mazikeen157, but I'm not complaining. 40s Bucky and Nomad Steve (oh and you somewhere in the middle) anyone...? Proceed with caution. You have been warned.


"Is this real?" Bucky asked, looking down at his own body. Dressed in colours he hadn't worn in over a century. The khaki wool rough against his hands as he pokes himself to make sure his eyes aren't tricking him.

"As real as it's gonna get, Buck," Steve says.

"No, no, no. How come you get to look like that?" He spins on his boots, pointing at his friend. "You're about, what, seventy years too fashionable?"

Steve stands in an almost black suit, studying his hands as if he doesn't quite believe any of it. In the light around you, you can see there is a blue to his clothes, hair slicked back towards his crown as he manages a smile. Teeth white between the curls of his beard.

It's you that struggles with it, really. Not quite sure what's happened along the way but you're not complaining.

Your best boys are standing in front of you now, Steve with a hand on his hip and he's shocked by the touch.

"This is so real." He says.

"You doing all right, doll?" Bucky asks, looking down at you under the peak of his cap.

"Did you just doll me?" You say, reaching for the hand he offers you and he pulls you off the floor.

"I suppose I did. Sorry." He looks back towards Steve now, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Don't be sorry, I liked it." You smile.

"I miss my metal arm." Bucky clenches his left fist, studying the skin he's not seen in decades.

"So do I." You nudge him with your elbow and he smiles back, his lips curling at the ends.

"Oh is that right? Doll."

It's your lips that form a smile now as you suck them into your mouth to try and hide what it does to you. That word. The way he says it. His face without a beard. The green of his uniform.

"Can anyone see what we do here? Back at the compound, I mean." You ask, looking around.

It was a new system they were implementing, training without the risk of injuries. Virtual reality, but it felt more real than anything else. Every touch registering to the you back in the machine.

"No, just us," Steve says.

"No one's monitoring?" You ask, double-checking.

"I'm still mad about the arm." Bucky's stroking at his sleeve now, fingers trailing against wool instead of metal and he looks lost. "I don't even have a rifle, what am I supposed to against the enemies?"

"Charm them to death?" You offer winking at him.

Steve rolls his eyes at that. "I didn't set any enemies for this trial, it's just a test. Wanted to see if you could hack it, you know?"

"I bet you rigged it, didn't you?" Bucky asks. "Thought you'd stand more of a chance with Y/N with you looking all, well, big. And me, well, like this."

You smile between them, arms folded as you wait for Steve to answer.

"Is that right, Rogers?"

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