7 years ago PART II

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6:35 PM

“David, Emily she’s…” she didn’t get to finish as a sob racked through her.

“She’s what? Mom?” I didn’t care if I sounded desperate, I wanted, no, needed to know where my love was.

“She’s in the hospital dear.”

“What?! Why is she there? What happened to her?” I pleaded, suddenly feeling a great pain in my heart finding out that the love of my life is currently in the hospital and not knowing what’s happening to her.

“You mean, you don’t remember? All of it?” my mom asked, shock and concern showing on her face.

“What do you mean? What happened?”  Feeling scared to what she might tell me.

“The both of you were in an accident. The car you were driving slipped on the road and you guys tumbled down the side of the road right into a tree. You were released from the hospital two days ago but-”

“What?!” I cut her off. Suddenly the memory of that night came crashing back at me; me driving down the slippery road while holding Emy’s hand who was on the passenger seat, listening to the sound of the windshield wipers trying to clear the rain droplets falling. Then suddenly a car swerved down the road directly heading to us. I veered to the left trying to avoid the car but we fell down the ditch that was beside the road. I remembered the car tumbling down, metal crushing, glass breaking, I remembered Emily’s cries of pain, me trying to sooth he while clutching her hand in mine tightly, then nothing as the car reached the bottom and we were both pulled into blackness.

“David-” my mom said, pulling me out of my memory, she seems to be doing a lot of that lately.

“Mom, I have to get to her. I have to see Emily.”

“David, honey, you can’t.”

“Why not?” I snapped at her. How dare she tell me I can’t see Emily?

“Because you’re still not well enough.” She told me carefully, trying to push me back unto the bed.

“I don’t give a fucking shit about me! I need to see her!”

“You may be ill but I don’t tolerate that kind of tone and language in my house young man!” my mom said referring to my shouting and cussing.

I sighed knowing I won’t be able to win this one, if there’s one thing I know about her it’s that she’s stubborn.

“At least tell me how she’s doing.” Longing, filling my voice.

My mom sighed and looked at me with tear filled sad eyes, “She’s in the ICU dear, but don’t worry the doctors did all they can to help her. Her mom called and said that’s she’s now stable and they’re just waiting for her to wake up.”

I didn’t know three letters would fill me with such dread, longing, and fear. My Emily, she’s everything to me, if anything bad ever happened to her I’d probably go mad. I couldn’t fathom being in a world without her.

“It’s my entire fault. If only I’ve been driving more carefully, she wouldn’t be hurt; she still would be here in my arms.” I sobbed.

My mom must have known I needed time to myself so she gently kissed my forehead, told me to have some sleep and left the room.

I rolled over onto my side and thought of Emily. Her face was the last thing I saw before I fell into a dreamless sleep.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

That night I dreamt of the very first time I became soft for Emily. You see, Emily is actually a romantic fan and when we were dating she fully accepted the fact that I couldn’t be what her dream guy is like, you know, sweet, caring, a romantic. When I realized that I truly did fall in love with Emily, I decided to prove her wrong, so I wrote her my very first love poem.

I spent hours thinking of words to say while I spent days writing, checking, rewriting, perfecting, and forming it into something that may convey all the things I feel for her. When it was finished I took her out on a date to her favorite restaurant then I brought her to the park where we had our first real conversation since we lived together.

She was sitting on the exact swing where we first talked while I stood in front of her and recited my poem.

“Everyday is a strike right through my heart

Knowing were not together and were apart

But I know its okay as long as you’re laughing

Together or not, when you see me I’ll be smiling

Maybe you’re right, I may not be ready

But if I am, are you willing to go steady?

I may not be perfect like you’re ideal guy

But I know I can be good, hell I’m willing to try

Everyday I'm sure I can offer all to you

Everyday I’m certain I can give my soul too

But everyday there’s always a single doubt

If I fall in too deep, will you help me out?

But as each day passes I’m willing to try

I just hope my efforts won’t end with a sigh

So now I stand here, right in front of you

Hoping you will love me, as I love you”

As I said the words I love you I went down on one knee in front of her and said, “Emily Heart, ever since we were kids I have been completely under your spell, I know I don’t deserve you because since we moved in together I have completely ignored you and for that I’m sorry. Since we have started dating you always left me wanting more of you, and I won’t hide the fact that I crave for you every time you are near me. I never knew that I would feel this way about someone but it happened and I don’t regret anything, especially us. I guess what I’m trying to say is…I love you Emily, so much, and would you make me the most happiest man right now and agree to be my girlfriend?” Nervousness and fear began to creep in me as I looked into her blank expression. Then as if a switch turned on in her head, her eyes began to water and she stood up laughing at the same time crying. She went over to me and hug, I returned the favor and nearly shouted with joy as I heard her whisper in my ears, “I love you too David, and yes I would be your girlfriend.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

That night even though I was still worried, I had a good night’s sleep dreaming bout the times where I was the most happiest, with my Emily.

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