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A/N: gif is mine. Also I'm not going to be able to continue posting chapters for this for a bit as I have to actually write them up and I'm a slow writer lmao and I don't have any more drafts so I'm sorry about that :( but if you have any requests for oneshots, just send me a dm and I'll be sure to do it :)

Also just ignore the Doctor Who references, don't even ask about them either, I was too distracted listening to music and that's all I came up with 😂

Tw: Fluff, asshole dude, cigarettes, brief hallucinations, very slightly suggestive but no smut

You were sitting in your office nervously. After your breakdown a few days ago Billie had given you time off work again but you couldn't bear to not do anything so you got straight back in as soon as you could. The phone rang loudly interrupting you from your thoughts and you took it to your ear "Billie Dean's assistant, how can I help,"

"Y/N, just the person I wanted to talk to!" you recognize Jen's voice blare through the speaker.

"Oh, hi Jen, what's up?"

"Was trying to get ahold of Billie, but then remembered she's in a meeting so... Was wondering if the two of you wanted to join Yaz and me on a date?"

You look down at the calendar on your screen for a moment, "Like a double date?" you ask with a slight blush

"Exactly like a double date!" she confirms. "Tonight?"

"I- yeah, tonight's good, I'll ask Billie about it. So what are you up to?" you ask politely. Going on a date with them sounds fun and you're hoping Billie would agree

"Okay, I'll text you when and where." she says and just seconds later a message pops through on your mobile, "I'm good, was playing tennis with the girls, Yaz cheering me on of course. No fun without Billie though but I understand you're quite busy with the whole filming thing."

You smile at yourself remembering the last time Billie had been playing Tennis and the outfit she wore, "You're thinking of her in her tennis dress arent you?" Jen teases

"What - no?"

"I'm a mind reader and a pretty good one at that."

"Thought you're a school teacher."

"Yes and I'm a Doctor. I dabble."

"Really, a Doctor at what?"

"Biology, physics, chemistry, space, lego, candyfloss,"

"Okay, Jenny." you laugh as she adds more and more to the list,

"So how are you, really?" she asks and that takes you by surprise as the tone of her voice becomes a lot more serious all of a sudden

"I'm - "

"Sorry, Billie said something about you struggling and had asked for advice a few weeks ago so..."

"No, it's okay. I'm good, quite well now, actually, thanks," you say genuinely

"So is everything okay between the two of you..?" she asks suggestively "Are you two a thing..?"

"We haven't put a label on it," you say and you hear her clapping her hands together cheering

"Yes! I knew it."

"We're taking things slow though, like really slow," you say and she nods

"Yaz owes me 50 bucks." she grins "But of course, slow is good. Took me a while to admit my feelings to Yaz."

"You betted on us?"

"Course we did. I said you're totally together and-" you then hear Yaz's voice on the other end.

Little Talks - Billie Dean Howard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now