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a/n: a lot of time skips in this chapter im sorry

cw: tiny smut, mention of dead parent? german, if i miss anything please let me know

Day one into the road trip and you're quite excited, although extremely nervous. Everything is packed and ready to go. "Have we definitely got everything?" you ask just to make sure, as Billie sits in the car beside you after seeing to that Buddy was comfortable in the back.

"Yes, babydoll," she kisses your cheek, "Don't stress."

"Okay," you sigh looking into the mirror at Buddy who wags his tail happily and Billie starts the drive to Phoenix. "Why don't we do three hours each?" you suggest trying to get more comfortable in your seat.

"Okay, then when we're in Phoenix we can both rest before the drive to..."

"El Paso," you've memorised the entire trip that the assistant has made up for you. You've got a long four days of driving ahead of the two of you. Billie drives down the streets where you see that a few people have beautiful Christmas decorations up, "It doesn't feel like it's Christmas in a few days"

"We're in LA, of course it's not going to feel that way.. Plus we're going to Florida it's only going to feel worse" the blonde chuckles and places her hand on your thigh.

"I regret not decorating now," you sigh, still being so mesmerised by the twinkling of lights in the dark of the early morning.

"Me too actually," Billie sighs, "Would've been nice to decorate for our first Christmas together,"

"I mean there's always next year," you bring your hand up to her head, tangling your fingers in her hair and slightly massaging her scalp.

"You're right," she smiles, the most gorgeous smile you've ever seen, "There's always next year."


"God that was a lot," Billie groans with a yawn as you pull the car into a parking lot near the city centre. The temperature has only dropped and you shiver slightly as you get out the car.

"Not really, I think I can keep going. Then when we get there we have more time to sleep." You cross your arms across your chest.

"No, honey," she wraps her arms around your waist after letting Buddy out the back so he can do his business. "Let's definitely take the time to rest now. We can get some late lunch and have a look around."

You watch Buddy as he runs around stretching his legs and Billie passes you a cigarette when he runs over to a tree. "What if they don't like me?"

"My dad will love you, darling, no doubt about that. I have no idea about his wife though." she raises her eyebrows quickly, "She doesn't even like me," she smiles.

You chuckle with the cigarette in your mouth and get a bowl and fill it up with water for Buddy, "Buddy water!" you call for him and he immediately runs over

"Treat?" his head tilts as he sits in front of you.

"No. Drink," you place the bowl in front of him and he sniffs it and turns around. "Buddy drink,"

"No. Treat,"

"Jesus," you roll your eyes at him and turn to Billie for help.

Her eyebrows raise and a smile forms on her lips, "Oh don't be looking at me like that, either of you. You need to sort this out between yourselves," she chuckles before grabbing her bag from the car.


"Are we there yet?" You mumble sleepily, leaning your head on the dashboard. Billie shakes her head at your question, but you can't see it. You turn your head to look at her, your warm, rosy cheeks burning your face.

Little Talks - Billie Dean Howard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now