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A/N: really not sure about this one..
TW: mention of scars, smut hints, medication

"How does this work?" you ask intrigued as Cordelia lays out a spell book and a few different materials on the table for you.

"I want you to light the candle," she states as if it's the most obvious thing. You fumble around for your lighter, "No, idiot." she says grabbing it from your hand before tossing it away, "Like this," she waves her hand lighting the candle in the process.

"I can't do that," you say looking into her eyes as the glare from the candle shines so delicately in her deep brown eyes.

"You haven't even tried,"

You sigh somewhat dramatically, preparing yourself by taking a deep breath and closing your eyes you wave your hand over the unlit candle stick. You open your eyes. Nothing. You groan, "See, I can't,"

Cordelia thinks for a moment, "Your powers are drawn by emotion, think of something that makes you happy," You immediately think of Billie and the candle lights up, "See," you open your eyes, they widen as you look at what you did, "Told you you can do it," she smiles. "Billie has told me you struggle a lot with emotion and how to deal with that,"

"That's why I have a therapist," you point out slightly sarcastically.

"Yes, Dr Ellie, how is that going?"

"Thought you're supposed to be my sister not my therapist," you reply snarkily. Cordelia huffs as she crosses her arms across her chest and looks at you.

"No, right now I'm your teacher," she says, "Think of something that makes you sad and then try light the candle again," she says and after you close your eyes, she backs off slightly as she observes. A tiny cloud appears above the candlestick instead, it slowly turning black before trickles of water come from it, "Interesting,"

"What?" you say opening your eyes, furrowing your brows as you stare at the cloud dumbfounded, "I didn't do that,"

"What did you think of?"

"I'm not telling you that," you mutter, a hint of redness coating your cheeks.

"Billie seems to be a source for your powers,"

"Billie makes me tingle" Cordelia smirks and your eyes widen "Not like that!"

"I'm sure she does," the blonde jokes shaking her head "Keep that to yourself,"

"No I meant,"

"I know what you mean," she says "Like electricity flowing through your veins?"

"Yeah," you blush, looking at the book, "What's this one?"

"No," she says closing it, "We've got to control the fire situation first,"

You sigh, looking away from her, "You know about what I did," you state.

"Yes," she says reaching her hands to yours, "I'm not going to be teaching you new things just yet." you look at her as she speaks to you, "We've got to find out what you can already do and-"

"I think I already have an idea on what I can do," you say but with this time a smile "I can obviously talk to animals, I can make fire, I can sometimes talk to the dead, I can sense things, I can poof," you list

"Poof?" she asks with a smile

"Yeah? When you disappear and reappear again,"

"You mean transmutation,"

"Well, yeah, but poof is an easier word to remember,"

"Fine," she chuckles, "Can you 'poof' for me now?"

Little Talks - Billie Dean Howard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now