Text conversations

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Sarah got home. She was really tired - she wasn't an active person. She opened up her phone. There were a lot of messages and notifications waiting for her. 

There were really lot of Instagram notifications. 100 new followers, 50 new dms. And a video. She opened a  video and saw herself wedgied on the couch. She tought it was funny but she was angry at Josh not telling her. 

There was a text from her boyfriend. He asked about the video. Sarah said it's nothing. She was angry at her boyfriend. Its just a wedgie. They've been doing it since they've known eachother. She texted her girl bestie Sofi about this. 

Sarah: "I cant belive that he is angry at me." 

Sofi: "Girl. Who is angry at you and why?"

Sarah: "My bf. Josh gave me wedgies. And posted it to Insta."

Sofi: "Oh I see. Why is he angry? It's just a wedgie.. I give you wedgies and you give me wedgies all the time."

Sarah: "He must be jaleous. Ehh girl i dont know."

Sofi: "Your bf is a dick. Lets teach him a lesson. He is a fucking pussy. Crying over a wedgie"

Sarah: "I dont wanna break up with him. I love my little nerd. But he can fuck himself."

Sofi: "Yea teach this nerd a lesson"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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