Update 2 should the XJ sisters be released?

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated this book in 6 months! I've been working on the next chapter of this story, but life got in the way, and I had other stories to work on, but I've had deep doubts and worries about writing firebird as of late, and it's preventing me from doing anything in continuing this latest chapter.

it's about jenny Wakeman's prototype sisters, the XJ series,as we know, jenny's model number is XJ9. Whatever happened to the other 8?

as some of you may know from the canon show of my life as a teenage robot, dr Wakeman left the eight prototype XJ robots (before Jenny) due to them being prototypes, even though they were actually seemed to be testbeds for various functions that would eventually make Jenny who she is, but in dr Wakeman's eyes, the XJ sisters as prototypes are failed/incomplete,  and in her own words "failed experiments" despite their potential, hence why they were locked up and sealed n the basement, despite the fact they may share the same sentience as Jenny herself, leading to some conflict with her creator dr Wakeman, and if she ever made an XJ 10 Jenny would never forgive her mother

I'd really like to release them, but what would be the first thing they will do by then?

I'm worried they may be angry with dr Wakeman for abandoning them for years (who's to say she doesn't deserve it?), but then again, I imagine they'd still be afraid of dr Wakeman as she's the only one who can truly stop them.

And I don't know how the XJ sisters would act differently on this story than in canon. They each have different personalities and quirks. and, if they work well together, can be a great help to jenny and firebird, but I have a feeling the XJ sisters could also cause problems for our heroes in the process during the everyday life of the Wakeman residence and Tremonton in general (even though they hate robots and show racism towards jenny for being a robot in public no matter what she does in risking her life for the people) plus Jenny may worry about being replaced like the rest of her sisters in the basement

I honestly feel like I'm making a mistake, making the wrong choice. but I assure you, I still intend to continue this story, but I don't know if I should release the XJ sisters from their confinement or how should I improve them, should they be upgraded?

please let me know your thoughts, your help and support would be greatly appreciated!

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