Episode 7 a sign of things to come...

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Date Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

Time 4:25 pm

Location Earth, Mesmer's cafe

After school today, Tyler, jenny, and brad had decided to spend the afternoon at Mesmer's taking some time off after a long day at school, the three friends got settled into their seats at a booth nearby near the window, having been in the popular teen hot spot in the past, after getting settled in at a booth, they ordered their snack pizza

"whew..." sighed Tyler, "it's been a heck of a day today at high school"

"not arguing with you right there my friend" spoke brad, also exhausted from today's events

"yeah, it always feels great to hang out back here," replied Jenny relieved that this time at mesmer's is more pleasant than previous

"sure does Jen, I'd always enjoy hanging out with you guys here!" returned brad

Yeah, and not under attack by vexus either, replied Tyler in his thoughts as he relaxed at the pleasant scene unfolding, it was always good to be with friends at this time of day

"me too brad," replied jenny "but we've still got a big week ahead of us!"

"not to mention, there's a football going on later this week," added brad "this Friday night I think,"

"this Friday night?" asked Tyler "do we have tickets?"

"I think we'll be able to pick those up tomorrow during lunch guys," added jenny but soon frowned a bit "if mom allows it that is..."

"why do you say that?" asked brad to jenny,

"she's been on to me for a while now on training and target practice..." she groaned "I swear mom never leaves me alone during the day..."

"and at the worst possible times too," finished Tyler as he shook his head, becoming familiar with dr Wakeman being a helicopter mom with jenny eventually to the point where'd he would have to confront the brilliant scientist about her treatment towards jenny

"you can say that again..." sighed jenny

"well, let's not worry about that right now," brad spoke again, "we're just having fun, and that's what matters,"

"Yeah, it sure does," smiled jenny, her spirits uplifted

soon enough as the three friends were having a pleasant conversation, the waiter eventually came with their pepperoni pizza, Tyler, and Brad took their pieces onto their plates and began eating up while jenny watched, being a robot, she's much different with these kinds of activities, not wanting to be insensitive, Tyler and brad kept that to themselves,

"so jenny," asked Tyler, sparking up another conversation "do you think dr Wakeman will allow you to come to the quaker's game on Friday?"

"if she doesn't ask me for any more training first..." said jenny "she hardly lets me do anything the other kids do, outside of the house that is..."

Tyler gave a sympathetic frown, for jenny was alone amongst those who were forbidden to do anything in their lives and be confined...all the more reason to eventually confront dr Wakeman on this,

"until you guys came along, climbed up the window, and allow me to know what it's like to be a teenager," continued Jenny, "I couldn't be more grateful to you guys than that, your true friends.."

"I would say the same to you jenny," said Tyler "I'm glad we found you when we were playing that baseball game,"

brad nodded as jenny's heartfelt much warmeth, she felt quite appreciated, even more so than when she first high school and made even more friends, as they all then continued their well-deserved pizza as true friends...

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