(Time jump) October 13th- January 19th 1997

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The crush on Luna had only increased.

We were sitting in herbology, listening to Professor Sprouts lecture, when Luna hit me with a note. It read:

You alright?
You're moving around a lot and staring.
Do you have wrackspurts? I wish I could check but I don't have my Spectrospects

( )
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It was filled with little doodles, all from her.
Holy shit that's hot. Merlin I love her, but damn that big brain of hers.

I flipped the paper over and wrote:

I'm fine
Can You even feel wrackspurts?
What do they even look like?

Well, apparently not, because she ignored the note when I put it on her desk. She was too hyperfocused on her plant.

* * *

(Bigger time jump)

I was standing by the lake, looking at the stars, thinking about home. Mum had sent me a maroon jumper with the letter "G" on the front.

We didn't go home, mum and dad were in Egypt to see Charlie.

What will mum do when she finds out I'm bisexual?? She'll kick me out for sure...

God, fuck, why cant I just be fucking normal??
I sat down on a rock, the lake was frozen over. I picked up a pebble and threw it as hard as I could.

The ice didn't break, of course, the pebble slid across it.

I started crying uncontrollably. I couldn't tel if it was the stress from school, the crush on Luna, or the fact that my uncle had just died. I didn't care, I cried for all of it.

A few minutes later, tears still flowing, I saw a little light walking to me. Great. I thought. Did I cry myself to death? I stood up, but just stood there, hand on my pocket, where my wand sat.

The light got closer, and I heard a soft, dreamy voice calling out to me. "Ginny? Ginny is that you?" It was saying. Oh fantastic, I am dead.

The voice stepped into view. It was Luna. "Nox." She said. The light went out. She put her arm around me and we sat on a rock.

"What's wrong, Ginny?" She asked. God, her voice is so calming.

"Nothing I just-bloody hell, I don't know how to say this-" are you actually going to do it? Yes I am.
"I'm bisexual, Luna. And I like you." I let out a breath.

She looked at me, smiled, and hugged me. "I like you too." She told me.

I blinked. Did I hear that right? She likes me? "You-you do? If this is some sick joke it's not funny."
"Why would I joke about this?"

She leaned in and kissed me. Shit, I can get used to this!

I leaned in and kissed back. When I say this was the best thing ever, I mean it.

His mouth was hanging open.

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