Last Dance With Mary Jane

13 1 3

November 15, 2001

Monday morning classes always were a drag

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Monday morning classes always were a drag. Especially when a new red head boy takes over your mind and you're not sure when you'll see him next. Rainbow lit a cigarette and hid in the back entrance of the school. She always came to school half an hour early to get out of her house. And through leaving her home, she compiled music in her friend Nina's garage. Mixtapes were Rainbow's way of expression. She pulled the small cassette out of her pocket. 'This one is for you 'Patrick by the way', I hope you like it ♥'. It was jam packed with love songs. She flipped the tape back and forth between her hands. It was full of the shitty and sappy to the deep and meaningful. Rainbow's cigarette's smoke clouded her face and her hair fell into her face. As she pulled up her hair over a shoulder, a familiar girl took a seat next to her. A tiny sophomore smiled at her as she put her mixtape in her bag.

"Hey Rainy! I never got a call this weekend? Were the phones down again?" Her blonde curls bounced as she ran her mouth.

Rainbow shook her head, "Uh, uh, yeah. There's been a lot going on. Sorry Nina."

She was unsatisfied with Rainbow's short answers, "Oooh. Tell me, tell me, tell me. We haven't talked in like a million years," She rolled her eyes.

"Just a test," The brunette looked down, "I had to study."

Nina sighed, "Okayyyy."

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded.

"See ya around," Nina turned away.

The annoyance was evident in her voice as the girl stood up. The brunette muttered a small "bye" as Nina walked off to stall before classes somewhere else. As much as Rainbow felt bad, she couldn't deal with Nina at the moment. She could go be blonde and bubbly in the Sophomore hall for twenty minutes. She finished up her cigarette as slow as possible. Hoping to drag out the warm feeling. After dousing herself in cheap vanilla perfume, she ventured up the stairwell. Her goal was to make it to the Junior hallway without being stopped by a jock on the floor above. Although the task was a common one, especially for her, it was still difficult. She stuck her headphones in, blasted some Cranberries, and mentally prepared to deal with sweaty teen boys.

On her walk up the flight of stairs she ran into a couple making out. An awkward scene unless you keep your mouth shut. Other than that she had made her way to her locker without any issues. A better start to the day than most. As she searched for a pencil larger than her index finger, all her books decided to fall over. She rolled her eyes while she stacked her books the way that they were. At least her trigonometry binder didn't explode like last month's locker fiasco. She took her morning books and loaded them up. While she locked up her locker, a familiar boy approached her. He smiled and leaned on the locker next to her.

"Hey Montgomery," He smiled at her.

She smiled back at him, "What's up Patrick-by-the-way?"

"School stuff y'know," The red head fixed his glasses, "I have a test in French, so that's exciting."

"What period is that?" She started walking.

Patrick kept a steady pace next to her, "Third, first period I have Social Studies, and for that class I have a sub for the week."

"Well I have study hall," The girl raised an eyebrow, "How about you and I skip and hang out in the trashy ass bathroom on the senior floor."

Patrick shrugged. It was the first time he had ever skipped a class. The worst thing he'd done in school was accidentally say fuck in his English class. And now he was skipping class with his current crush. He followed her down the hall. Then down the stairs she had just climbed with awkward stealth. Rainbow's hand grazed his own. His response was to pull away but she grabbed his hand instead. She intertwined their fingers and rocked their hands back and forth between them. Although the pair got some odd glances, it was refreshing to their egos to see people care enough to look at them. Rainbow rested her chin on his shoulder as they approached the bathroom. He looked down with a big toothy grin. Patrick pushed the door open and threw his backpack to the ground.

"So uh..." He looked around.

Without answering Rainbow pulled him into a kiss, "I've been waiting for that."

"Oh shit," His face flushed bright red. "I-I uh, woah. Uh that was my first kiss... sorry I-"

"Shut the fuck up," Rainbow cut him off with another kiss.

"Oh okay," He giggled as she continued with a third kiss, "So uh, you're my girlfriend now right?"

She laughed softly, "Duh."

The pair just stood in a comfortable silence. Their foreheads pressed together and their lips pink from the passionate kisses. That silence was soon broken however, when the bell signifying the start of the first class rang. Patrick and Rainbow laughed once their actions really settled in. Patrick was finally in his first relationship ever. And Rainbow was in a relationship with someone who wasn't a creep three years older than her. It was sweet. A weird kinda sweet. Patrick leaned on the sink and opened his arms for a hug. Rainbow practically dove into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder.

"So, boyfriend," She looked up at him, "Wanna see something I made you?"

He looked at her in confusion, "You made me something?"

"Of course," She pulled the cassette out of her pocket, "Tailored just for you."

"Holy shit," Patrick smiled while hugging her again, "Thank you."

"No problem," She kissed his cheek.

After a while of hugging and just being plain old adorable. Two girls walked in. Luckily they minded their business, shuffling out in under four minutes. Rainbow carefully watched as they left. She set her bag down with Patrick's own backpack. Patrick looked on as his new girlfriend shuffled around the bathroom. She smirked as she grabbed his arms. The two were crammed in the large ending bathroom stall. Rainbow's hands made their way behind Patrick's neck. She pulled his head down to kiss her. Patrick closed his eyes and let one arm wrap around her back. The other held the side of her face while they quickly separated for air. Their eyes met, sending them back into a passionate kiss. Rainbow slipped her sweater off and pushed her body closer to his.

It was a cycle. Their improvised make out session had become a cycle. Kiss, breathe, kiss, breathe, french kiss, repeat. The routine drew blood from Patrick's lip. Metallic taste filled their mouths. It was unable to stop the passion of young love. After the taste of blood became stronger, the two parted. They were quiet while they made themselves presentable again. Patrick fixed his hair and glasses. Rainbow put her sweater on and reapplied her lip gloss. The two looked at each other. It was awkward to kiss and run, but that's what would happen. Patrick unlocked the stall, leaving to get their bags.

Rainbow took her bag, "So, I'll see you later?"

He smiled, "Yeah definitely."

"I-" She was cut off by the ring of the bell, "I think you and I should do something later."

"I can't tonight, I have to go to my grandma's for dinner," He frowned.

She nodded, "Oh..."

"Hey! Maybe you could come see the band on Thursday. We play at Katie Roman's party at midnight," He walked out of the bathroom with Rainbow.

"Sounds good," She kissed him quick, "It's a date Tricky."

He watched as she strutted down the hall. Patrick was utterly in love with Rainbow. While he walked to the stairwell, he flipped the cartridge in his hands. A small piece of paper slipped out. It said 'The last song I wrote for you. It's called I Bet On Losing Dogs. Love you - Rainbow'. He laughed softly and tucked it away in his backpack. And with his thoughts back in order he walked to his next class.

word count: 1388

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