Chapter Six: Binary Star

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"You're holding something back. How do you know that the Reapers are involved?"

The investigation into Freedom's Progress had been... Sobering, to say the least. Save for some rogue mechs, the colony had appeared abandoned, with no signs of apparent violence or evidence left behind. Shepard hadn't been expecting to find any survivors, despite her insistence on prioritizing the search for them; then she stumbled across an old friend.

Of all the places to be, Tali'Zorah had been conducting a search with a squad - her squad - into rumors that one of her people had been staying with the colony before its disappearance. The other quarians pointed weapons towards Shepard and her company; they had obvious reason to distrust Cerberus, and even more so the apparent walking corpse before them. Tali, however, hesitated, and after mentioning the geth data recovered in their pursuit of Saren, Shepard was relieved that the engineer trusted her so readily. Seeing a friendly face - or, rather, mask - had sent her for a spin, as did the revelation that an insect-like race called the Collectors were the ones behind the human disappearances. After ensuring that Tali, her squad, and Veetor were safely on their way back to the flotilla, Shepard returned with Miranda and Jacob to report in to the Illusive Man: It was time for answers.

The bright-eyed man took a long drag from his cigarette, tapping the ash loose into a tray before responding, "The patterns are there, buried in the data. The Council and the Alliance want to believe that the Reaper threat died with Sovereign..."

He smirked, noticing the way the commander's fists clenched at her sides: "You and I know better. I won't wait until the Reapers are on the march: We need to take the fight to them."

Shepard hated how she was beginning to agree with him on certain things. She set her jaw and stood straighter, crossing her hands behind her back, "If this is going to be a war, I'll need an army; or a really good team."

Various lights appeared around the Illusive Man's projection, and she assumed that he had pulled up panels of information to display, "I've already compiled a list of soldiers, scientists, and mercenaries; you'll get dossiers on the best of them."

He lifted his eyebrows, gesturing towards Commander Shepard's image, "Finding them and convincing them to work with you could be challenging, but you're a natural leader. I'll continue to track the Collectors. When they make an appearance, I'll notify you and your team. Be ready."

Her meeting with Tali fresh in her thoughts, Shepard stepped forward, shaking her head and waving away the suggestion of dossiers: "Keep your list. I want people I can trust; the ones who helped me stop Saren and the geth."

"That was two years ago, Commander. Most of them have moved on, or their allegiances have changed."

The statement was pointed, and struck at her core: It didn't feel like she had been gone - dead - for all that time. It felt like weeks for her. Tentatively, she began to question the Illusive Man, thoughts turning immediately to one companion in particular: "Where is Kaidan Alenko?"

Another long, calm drag on the cigarette, and then a smile of amusement.

"He's still with the Alliance. Promoted, I believe; his file is surprisingly well classified."

Thank god; at least he's known to be alive. Safe, too.

Shepard tried to hide her relief, and relaxed her stance, beginning to go down a list in her mind of her closest confidants; Kaidan was confirmed active-duty, Tali had finished her Pilgrimage and was working for her people...

"Where is Garrus Vakarian?"

He had mentioned taking a job on the Citadel the last time we spoke. He should be fine, if not bored--

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