~Chapter Nine~

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August 12, 2020 11:23 A.M

Ree Kid's POV
I awake to Gaege shaking me and yelling my name. I spring up and look at him. He has worry written all over his face. "W-What?" I stutter. He sighs and smiles lightly. "You were screaming and yelling, so I came in here and you were crying," He tells me. I touch my face, feeling wet tears. I wipe them and look at my lap.

"Want to talk about it?" He asks. "I guess I have to, it's going to help us find Cloe," I mutter.

"It will!?" He asks excitedly. I nod and look up at him. "Well, get up! I'll go wake Mully and Josh," He scrambles out of my room. I get out of the spare bed and go over to my suitcase. I have to plan this correct. That girl... She told me that we need to take her back until she can get her senses and memory... We must find her. I was also told that I would be able to sense where the right location is due to that mysterious girl. She's interesting, but if it helps find Cloe, then I won't question it.

Before I can realize it, I'm changed into a black 'REEE' hoodie and jeans. I slip my Vans on, grab my phone and head out of the hallway to see Josh and Mully come out of their rooms at the exact same time. I smile and wave and rush to the kitchen. I grab a piece of toast that Gaege made and stick it in my mouth. The other two come into the kitchen as well. They stay quiet. "What's up with you two?" I ask. Josh just shakes his head and sighs. "Missing my sister," He mumbles. He just called Cloe his sister. Woah...

"Why are you so happy and jittery?" Mully turns to me. I shrug and look to Gaege, who has just come in. "I had a dream," I tell them. Josh looks at me with confusion and Mully with fear and disgust.

"Not like that, Mully!" I yell, chomping the last bit of the toast. He sighs a sigh of relief as I blush lightly. "I know how to get Cloe back," I say. They turn to me, curious.

"We have to kidnap her from her mother. I know it sounds weird, just hear me out," I explain, hopping up on the counter behind me. Josh rotates his hand, signaling me to continue. "It was a small girl. She brought me to Cloe, which I was so happy for. Cloe told me her situation. Her mother is putting something in the air and food that makes her loose her memory, but she is normal in her dreams. The girl told me that she has to get out of the house for more than 5 hours for it to wear off, and her to get her memory back. The girl told me, the only way is if we kidnap her again," I explain, taking a deep breath after. The boys look shocked.

"You're right, it does sound weird," Mully says. "She said that I would get a feeling when it's the right location. I don't know who she is but god forbid she is helping us," I state. They all slowly nod and agree.

"We need to plan then, don't we?" Gaege asks, gripping onto the counter of the island behind him. I nod and jump off of the marble material. "Alright. So I can assume that it would be in a disclosed area," I say.

"Not in an open one," Josh adds on. "So, Josh, Gaege, Mully and me," I ponder.

"Mully, you're the strongest, aren't you?" I ask him, earning a nod. "Good, because that woman can put up a fight," I say. He chuckles slightly.

"Gaege, there's a basement here, correct?" I ask him. He nods and walks over to a door. "Here," He says, opening it. I nod and he shuts it.

"So, that leaves me and Josh," I mumble to myself, trying to think what we would be a part of. "Josh, I can't drive yet," I say, getting no point across.

"Wait, I know what we can do!" Gaege perks up again. "The police station, we can get them involved," He explains. I look at the others as they nod.

"You know the address, right?" I ask him. He nods. "Then, it's techinally a kidnapping instead of a missing person," Josh looks at us all.

"True, meaning, we can get her in jail!" I say and smile slighty. "Since Josh has custody, Cloe isn't technically supposed to be in her presence," Mully says.

"And whatever substance it is, she can surely be charged for that," I say. We all smile widely at each other and Gaege runs off. "Grabbing my keys, go get in the car!" He yells from down the hall. We all obey and leave the house, jumping in his car. We're getting Cloe back, and that's that.

You're Mine, Got That? {Ree Kid X OC}Where stories live. Discover now