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Hope's POV
It's been 5 days, since Landon came to the school. He seems to like it here. Mom has been really secretive, lately.

Anyway, I woke up, and glad it's Saturday. I got to sleep in, thankfully. Today is my date with Landon.

I got out of bed. I put on my jeans, my black boots, my red shirt, with my black leather jacket. I went out of my room, and MG was coming out of his room, that's right across the hall from mine.

I am the only one that has a single room out of all the students. MG said, " Ready for your date?"

We walked downstairs and I said, " Be quiet about that."

He said, " Oh, right. You don't want your mom to know. You do realize she will figure it out."

I said, " She won't, if you will keep your mouth shut."

He said, " I will, but if she questions about where you are, and backs me into a Corner. I will tell her. She scares me."

I said, " Everone is scared of her. Even my dad is afraid of her."

We laughed. I said, " Alright. I have to go."

He said, " Have fun, but not too much fun."

I rolled my eyes, and walked outside. I decided to walk into town.

Mom hasn't let me drive her car, a lot. Only sometimes, ever since I got my license.

It was a ten minute walk, but It was nice. I arrived at the grill, and seen Landon sitting outside. I sat down across from him.

He said, " You came."

I said, " Did you doubt I would?"

He laughed and said, " Sort of. I didn't think you would want to go out with me, seeing I stood you up two years ago."

I said, " I know. I figured a second chance won't hurt."

We ordered our food. I got a peanut butter milkshake with whipped cream on the bottom.

Landon said, " It's so adorable that you order the same drink."

I blushed. We talked some more. Our food came, and we ate.

We finished eating, and sat there talking some more. I then seen Dads car pull into a parking spot down the street a little bit.

I said, " Invisique."

Landon said, " What was that?"

I said, " I turned us invisible. I don't want my parents to see us. My dad and mom would kill you if they found out."

He said, " It doesn't seem like your mom would hurt someone. Your dad, I've heard stories around the school."

Out of the car, came Dad and Mom. Dad held his hand out for her, and she took it. They walked down the street and went into a shop, hand in hand.

Landon said, " What the matter?"

I said, " Hilomus."

He said, " Are we invisible anymore?"

I said, " Anyone can see us, now. Sorry. It's just my mom and dad were holding hands. They never hold hands."

He said, " Maybe they got back together."

I said, " I would've thought they would've told me."

He said, " Your mom probably doesn't want to jinx anything."

I nodded. He pulled out his wallet, and I said, " Don't. I can pay."

He said, " I insist."

I said, " Fine."

He paid for our lunch. We went to his scooter. He handed me a helmet and said, " I can drive drive back to school."

I nodded. I put on the helmet, and got on the back. He then drove us back to the school.

He parked the scooter, and we walked inside the school. I seen Auntie Beks, and Aunt Kat, along with Marcel on the one couch.

I said, " Aunties. Big brother."

I ran over and hugged them both. I seen some students look over at us, with confusion.

Landon said, " I will leave you Catch up. See you around, Hope."

I nodded, and he went somewhere. Kat, Rebekah, Marcel and I went upstairs to my room.

Marcel said, " Who was that guy?"

I said, " He's a friend. Landon Kirby."

Kat said, " As in the guy who you crushed on for a year."

I said, " Yeah."

Marcel said, " Oh, heck no. My little sister isn't allowed to have a boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes, and we talked somemore.

Caroline's POV
Nik and I walked into a store, hand in hand. We shopped for some things. Then we went back to his car. We got in, and he drove us back to the mansion.

We parked the car, and got out. We carried the bags inside and up to our room.

I said, " There that's everything."

He said, " Love. Don't you think we should tell Hope."

I said, " Yeah. I mean she's been hoping we get back together for years. I just don't know when we should tell her."

He said, " How about tomorrow?"

I said, " Why not tonight? We could have a family dinner, since Kat, Bekah, and Marcellus are in town."

He said, " Nope. I want you tonight."

I bit my lip, and he walked over to me. He put his arms around my waist, and I put mine around his neck. He leaned in and kissed my lips. I couldn't help but melt into it.

Let's just say, we sped the whole evening and night together.

Hope's POV
We were sitting in my room talking. Aunt Rebekah said, " Where's Caroline?"

I said, " I don't know."

I couldn't tell them the truth, that I did see mom and dad together. I want them to tell us on their own.

Auntie Kat said, " You are horrible at lying, like your mother."

I sighed and said, " Fine. I seen her this morning in town with Dad. They seems pretty cozy together."

Marcy said, " How cozy?"

I said, " They were holding hands, and shopping together."

Bekah said, " They finally got back together. Now, we don't have to worry about Nik and Caroline being no any fun, anymore."

Marcel said, " Alright. We should head back to the mansion. Bye little sis."

I hugged him and said, " Bye Marcy, Auntie Beks and Auntie Kat."

I hugged them, and they left my room. I looked outside, and it's nighttime. I got a shower, and put on my pjs. I then laid down and went to sleep.

Auntie Beks POV
We sped to the mansion, and once we went inside. We heard growls and screams. Then things breaking.

We all groaned. I said, " Let's stay at the Salvatore House."

Marcel said, " Are we sure Uncle Damon will let us?"

I said, " Yeah."

We sped to the Salvatore house. We walked inside and Damon said, " What are you three doing here?"

Marcel said, " We came to stay over tonight. Mom and Dad are back together."

Damon groaned and I said, " Oh, Damon. I'm your sister in law. Do you want me to call your brother and tell him that you killed his horse?"

  Damon said, " ONE NIGHT!"

  I smirked, and we went upstairs to our rooms. I laid down, and went to sleep.

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