New Years Eve Party

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Caroline's POV
    It has been three days, and tonight is the New Years Eve Party. I woke up, and Nik isn't in bed. I got out of bed, and put on Nik's shirt that was on the floor. I then heard someone scream. I flashed to where it was coming from, which is Hopes wing of the house.

   I went to Hope's room, and seen Hope using her magic to hold Nik against the wall.

  I said, " Hope Kolvina Mikaelson. Put your father down."

  Hope looked at me, and sighed. She let Nik go, and he got onto his feet.

  I then smelled blood, and seen Landon sitting there on Hope's bed, with a bloody rag to his neck.

  I walked over to him, and bit into my wrist. I said, " Drink. It will heal you faster."

  He nodded, and drank from my wrist.

   He let go, and I wiped the blood on my shirt, and my wound was healed. Landon took the rag off of his neck, and it was healed.

I said, " Now, what happened?"

Hope Said, " Dad, came barging into my room."

Nik said, " I came in to wake you up! I needed your help with something. I came in, and seen him in her bed!"

I said, " Hope! I told you, no sharing a bed with Landon, while we are here."

Hope said, " How is this my fault? He attacked Landon, and almost killed him!"

I said, " Landon is fine, and alive. Now, tell me why in the world were you two sleeping together!"

Landon said, " Caroline, nothing happened. I swear."

Hope said, " We were talking, and then we fell asleep. That's it. Nothing else happened."

I sighed, and said, " Alright. Get dressed."

Nik, and I walked out of the room, and seen MG walking out of his room. He said, " What's with all the yelling?"

I said, " It's nothing, Milton. Get dressed, and meet us in the courtyard."

He nodded, and went back into his room.

Nik, and i walked to our wing of the house, and into our room. Nik said, " So, what we are just going to let that go?"

I said, " Nik, she didn't do anything with Landon, they just slept. And I believe her. Hope knows better."

I walked into the closet, and put on my shorts, my black boots, and my blue tank top. I walked into the room, and Nik is standing by the door. He said, " I don't like that boy."

I said, " You we're getting along with him for the past three days. What's changed?"

We walked down the hall, and he said, " The fact that he was in the same bed with OUR DAUGHTER! I don't care if they were just sleeping!"

I said, " Nik, last I checked. I slept with you, a few months after I admitted my feelings for you! What's the difference?"

He said, " That was us."

I said, " No, Nik. You are just afraid of losing your little girl. She's not going anywhere. She's 16, not a child anymore. Let her live her life!"

Nik said, " No! Like you said, she's our little girl. I don't want some boy taking her away from us."

I said, " Nik, she isn't going anywhere. A boy is not going to take her away from us. Stop worrying."

He sighed, and nodded. We walked downstairs, and into the courtyard. Everyone was in the courtyard. A servant came over, and held their wrists out to us. We bit into his wrist, and drank.

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