Y/N Dimitrescu II.

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Requested: Part Two of the reader being the eldest Dimitrescu daughter.

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You tapped your left foot impatiently, grumbling under your breath.

You were in the foyer, prepared to go out hunting with Bela but she had yet to appear. She was never one to be late for literally anything but you figured that Cassandra or Daniela was holding her back.

You took a glance at the grandfather clock.


You noticed that it's been thirty minutes since you and Bela should've left.

This day couldn't get any worse, one of the moroaică managed to escape the cellar and killed one of the maids during your shift to patrol the castle. Your mother expressed her disappointment in your messy slip-up making you feel like an absolute fool. Then, Daniela 'accidentally' spoiled the ending of the book series you were binging. Cassandra ate the body portion you wanted to eat during breakfast. And now Bela is nowhere to be seen even though she promised to go hunting with you.

You were looking forward to the hunt, wanting to take your anger and frustration on whatever poor animal or lycan that got in your way.

With a growl, you turn your attention to the two maids who were dusting around the foyer, trying their best to remain small to stay out of your way.

You recognize the 5' 10" tall maid with medium length wavy, raven black hair and fair skin. Her warm green eyes looked everywhere except at you as she dusted in a timely manner, but the small shake of the duster in her hand makes you acknowledge her fear of you.

She was one of the longer lasting maids that managed to avoid getting dragged to the cellar because she knew how to stay off the radar and do her job right. You wracked your brain for her name before it came back to you— Olivia. Her name is Olivia.

The other maid was definitely new because you don't think you've seen her around before. She looked to be around 5' 7". Her eyes were a piercing blue and she had the same fair skin tone as Olivia. She worked just as quickly, her shoulder length blonde hair swishing behind her. She did a better job at hiding her fear yet you still can hear the fastened beating of her heart when she felt you staring at her.

You had to admit, they were both beautiful in their own ways.

"Hey," You called out to both of them and watched as they jumped in surprise before turning around to bow respectfully at you. You walked until you were directly in front of them, "Have either of you seen Bela anywhere?"

It surprised you when Olivia wasn't the one to reply first considering she knew the consequences if one were to take long to answer a question.

"No, Lady Y/n," The new maid immediately shook her head, replying hastily, not willing to piss you off even more.

Olivia just stared at you with wide eyes. You notice a hint of awe in them as she openly admired your facial features.

Eventually, her forest green eyes locked with your golden ones. She jumped, startled and there was noticeable blush on her cheeks as she realized she was blatantly gawking at you.

You held back a knowing smirk when you hear her heart skipping a beat. You suppose you can forgive her for this little slip-up considering she's never seen you this close up before.

"Olivia," You basically purred out her name and leaned closer to her, satisfied at the light shudder that overcame her body. You brought your lips to rest just an inch away from her ear, whispering hotly, "Have you seen Bela?"

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