Before You Go...

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Thank you all for joining us and participating in Delight Summer Camp 2021! We hope and pray you had a great experience and grew in your relationship with the Lord.

If you did not finish all of your challenges, don't give up! Go and finish them up even though camp is over.

For those of you who are done, before you go, we ask that you answer the following questions--we're always looking to improve for the upcoming years of camp. :)

1. What was your favorite part about camp? Least favorite?

2. Any ideas for improvements in future camps (things you'd like to see done differently, things you'd like added, etc)?

3. Would you be interested in having summer camp hosted on Discord?

And that's it! We really appreciate the feedback. Once again, thanks for participating--we hope to see you next year. God bless! <3

-She Delights

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