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Hi guys! Please read below for some important information about this world and for some character aesthetics before you start reading! 

Elaria is a continent split into four major kingdoms: aethia, tamarian, nymphimorus, and fonierra. Each kingdom's royal family posses the ability to control one of the four elements: earth, fire, water, or air. This ability is passed down the royal bloodline, and whichever one of the king/queen's heirs presents best control for their element becomes heir to the throne. The four kingdoms mostly get along, with very minor skirmishes or wars every couple of decades. Four times a year (the summer solstice, autumnal equinox, winter solstice, and vernal equinox) the royal families gather for a royal ball. Below is more information about each kingdom:


Element: Fire

Current ruler: Queen Embre Flare

Royal family: King Nadir, Princess Fadia, and Prince Khan

Location in Elaria: South

Capital: Impira

Topography: Mountainous desert

Current Allies: Prince Victor Slade

Economic status: Great wealth gap between upper and lower class. Most of the country is in poverty but the upper class includes the richest people in Elaria.

Day of their royal ball: summer solstice


Element: Air

Current ruler: King Odin Renato

Royal family: Prince Sergio, Princess Taina, Princess Janea, Princess Ilsa 

Location in Elaria: West

Capital: Caeli

Topography: High mountains and occasional forests

Current Allies: Prince Derek Slade

Economic status: Trade has slowed for Tamarian and the royal family has lost lots of its wealth, however, the kingdom is still mostly doing well.

Day of their royal ball: autumnal equinox


Element: Earth

Current ruler: Queen Akousa Vieria

Royal family: Queen Evanthe, Prince Kwesi

Location in Elaria: East

Capital: Asther

Topography: Thick forests

Current Allies: Prince Silas Slade

Economic status: Fonierra does not believe in money, therefore everyone in the kingdom is rich in their own way

Day of their royal ball: vernal equinox


Element: Water

Current ruler: Unknown

Royal family: Prince Victor, Prince Derek, Prince Silas, the lost twins

Location in Elaria: North

Capital: Ranya

Topography: Mountainous tundra

Current Allies: N/A

Economic status: Most of the kingdom is poor save for the wealthy elite who now has taken hold of the kingdom, as the three princes have fled

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