Chapter 2

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Alia sat at the dinner table with Niklas, picking at the dinner she had made. It was cooked vegetables with a side of bread... not horrible but not the best either. 

"You need to go to the market soon," Niklas said. "We hardly have any food in this house, let alone anything that would make a decent meal." 

"I'm sorry, I went to the market today but I forgot to get food," Alia replied, already embarrassed. 

Niklas sighed. "How do you just 'forget' to get food at the market?" 

"Well, I uh, got a little distracted." 

"What, did you find a new book to read?" Niklas asked with an amused look on his face. Alia had often found herself lost in different books, and Niklas knew she was easily distracted by a good read. One time she had stayed up all night reading a book, not even realizing she had done so until Niklas had shaken her to make her rip her eyes away from the pages. 

"No, not a book..."

"Then what?"

"There was this man-"

"You were with a man?" Niklas erupted, his face immediately contorting in rage, making Alia flinch. 

"No, I wasn't with him!" Alia said, already desperate to plead her case. "I accidentally bumped into him and I knew that you don't like me talking to other men so I walked away and left the market because I got nervous and then when I got home I realized that I had forgotten to get food but I was still kind of anxious so I didn't go back--"

"What did he look like?" Niklas asked, studying Alia. 

Oh no... "Why does that matter?" Alia asked hesitantly. 

"Just answer me, Lia, before I lose my patience. What does he look like?" 

"Well he's shorter than you," Alia said nervously. "And he looked less strong." That was a lie. "Nothing about him was that remarkable so I don't really remember." Another lie. 

"Are you sure?" 



Alia stared back down at her plate, her breathing shaky. She felt bad for lying, but it was easier than seeing her husband fly into a rage over this random man. She knew how over-protective he was of her, especially since he had saved her from living on the streets. He worried for her when she talked to other men, and this stranger was especially worrying, so Alia supposed it would be better to spare him the details of everything that did go down at the market, even if it wasn't actually that much. 

"I'm sorry." She muttered, still looking down at her plate. 

"Yeah, whatever," Niklas said, standing up and taking his plate into the kitchen. When he came back he looked at her for a moment before saying "The summer solstice is tomorrow, which means we will attend the Aethian Royal Ball." 

"What?!" Alia shot out of her seat. "What do you mean we? You always go alone!" Niklas had been going for the previous couple of years. He was required to attend because of his military status. 

"That was before we were married. Now that I have a wife, I have to bring her." Niklas said, walking over to Alia. 

"I-I have nothing to wear though," Alia said as anxiety flooded her body. She did not want to go to this ball. She didn't know how to look formal or dance, and she didn't have the same kind of manners that the rich elite did. What if she made a fool of herself in front of the royal family? 

"I'll buy you something tomorrow," Niklas said. He put his hands on Alia's shoulders, and she was reminded of his towering height. "Don't worry, everything will be ok." 

"That's easy for you to say," Alia said, rolling her eyes. "You were born into this life, I don't know the first thing about royal balls!" 

"I'll be with you the entire time, and I'll help you every step of the way." 


"Lia I'm not arguing about this right now." 

"I'm not trying to argue I just don't feel comfortable going," Alia said meekly. 

"Well, I have to bring my wife. You and I don't really have a choice in the matter." Niklas replied. 

Alia sighed. "Fine." 

Niklas smiled and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, love." Alia gave him a small smile. "Now go finish cleaning the kitchen." 

Alia nodded before walking off. 


Later that night, Alia tossed and turned in her sleep. 

"Lia," Niklas groaned, his face stuffed in pillows. "Go to bed." 

"I'm trying to, I'm just stressed." 

"About what?" 

The royal ball, the man from the market, disappointing Niklas... 


"Then go to bed."

"Ok, I'm sorry." Alia sighed. "Goodnight, I love you." 

"I love you too." 

Alia never ended up going to bed. 

Instead, she stared at her ceiling for hours, until the sun rose and its golden beams peaked out of her open window, letting her know that it was a new day. 

The day she would have to attend the royal ball. 


Hey guys! How did we like this chapter? Things are still a bit slow, but I promise they'll start speeding up soon.  In the next chapter, Alia will go to the royal ball! (Mystery man might be in the next chapter as well hehe). 

Opinions on Niklas so far? 

Anyways, I hope y'all liked it! Let me know if you have any suggestions/critisms! 

-Maddie :)

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