Chapter 4

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"You two know each other?" Niklas asked, and Alia could already see the rage glinting in his sapphire eyes.


"No, we don't know each other-" Alia started to explain, but she was cut off by the insanely attractive man in front of her. 

"Yeah, we know each other." He said cockily, making Alia bubble with annoyance. Was he trying to make her life a living hell? "Don't you remember, we ran into each other at the market yesterday?" 

"This was the man who you ran into?" Niklas said, jealously trickling into his voice. 

Alia winced, which caused the man to give her a weird look. "...yes?" 

Niklas sighed. "You didn't think it might have been worth mentioning he was the top general of Queen Embre's Royal Militia?"

Alia's eyes widened as the man offered her a cocky smirk. "I-I didn't know-"

Niklas sighed and walked away. 

Alia quickly curtsied to the Queen once more. "It was nice meeting you!" She hastily said before practically running after her husband, very badly needing to get away from the man who had single handily ruined her night. 

He was a top general? He hadn't seemed like he was when they first met, but Alia supposed he was dressed rather nicely. 

"Nik, I'm sorry," Alia said as she finally caught up with him. 

"You just embarrassed me in front of the royal family." Niklas hissed, making Alia wince as she took a precautionary step backward. 

"How did I embarrass you?" She asked nervously. 

"What were you really doing with him yesterday Alia?" 

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

Alia stared at her husband in shock. "I didn't do anything with him! I talked to him for maybe five minutes and then walked away." 

"Well his cocky grin says otherwise." Niklas huffed. 

The orchestra started to play a waltz and Alia paused as she looked at her husband. He quickly stepped towards her, grabbing her hand and waist as they started to dance. 

"Nik, I don't know how to dance," Alia muttered under her breath as her black heels tapped the red marble floors that her gown perfectly pooled out and blended into. 

"Well, you don't really have a choice in the matter at the moment," Niklas said back. "You either dance with me or stand alone while everyone looks at you." He gave her a glare. "Unless you would rather dance with the top general of the Aethian Militia that is." 

Alia sighed. "I swear I don't know him-"

"Is it an issue with my rank?" Niklas interrupted. "Was captain not good enough for you?"

"What?" Alia balked. "I hardly even understand military ranks!"


"I'm sorry Nik, but I honestly didn't do anything with him!" Alia pleaded. "I don't even know his name!"

"But he knows yours?" Niklas said, lifting his brow.

Alia's face reddened. "He asked, and I let him know I was married before I told him anything-"

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