Part 27

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* Yena's POV *

I walked next to Chaewon towards the bakery store and still thinking about Changmin words. I really don't want to meet him tomorrow but I don't have any excuse. I thought I don't need to teach him anymore after the trial but it's absolutely wrong. " Yena-yah , what do you want to have?" Chaewon suddenly asked me. " Huh?" I replied her . " I asked what you want. Seriously , why you be like this? What are you thinking about?" Chaewon asked me multiple question. " Nothing, I think of nothing.hehehe. " I replied to her and smiled. " Aish jinjja , palli what you want?" She replied to me and make and annoyed face. "  I want that strawberry and chocolate macarons." I said to her and pointing at the shelf that full of cute macarons. " Arrasso." She replied before told the waiter for mine and her orders. " Hey let's go there. Changmin and Sunwoo already waiting there." Chaewon said as pointing to the boys. " They really not gentleman , how would them sit and not order for us. " I said to Chaewon. She just laugh at my statement.

" Yah , you guys really not a gentleman." I said to the boys as I sit infront of Changmin. " What do we do??" Changmin and Sunwoo asked. "How can you just order yours and went sit." I glared and replied to them. " We want to order for you two but  you seem like still thinking about what you want. " Changmin replied to me. " But still you shouldn't sit first you know. You should wait for me and Chaewon. " I nagged to him. " We both sit first because almost all the seat full of customers. " Changmin explained to me. " But still at least told us that you want to sit." I said to him and pouted. " I already told you two but only Chaewon heard. " He said to me calmly. " Mianhae." I said to him. " It's okay. " He replied and smiled. " Yah , stop that drama and let's eat. " Sunwoo said. We all laugh at his statement. We all start to eat the dessert. " Yah , do you want some?" I asked Changmin as I pushed my plate towards him. " What the flavor?" He asked me back as he take one of the macarons. " The want that you take is strawberry and this is chocolate. " I said to him as I hold up one of the chocolate macarons . " Do you like them?  " He asked me again. " I love them. " I said and take a bite from the macarons. " Yah , what about me?" Sunwoo said. " What? " I asked him. He then point at the macarons. " Owhhh , you want it take this. " I said and pushed the plate towards Sunwoo and Chaewon. " Thanks. Here you can try mine. " Chaewon said to me. " Thanks."  I replied and take her plate. " How it taste?" Chaewon asked me as I take a bite from her matcha rolled cake. " Not bad but not my favorite. " I replied to her and rake another bite. " What about mine? " Changmin said and tried to feed me. " What are you doing ?" I asked him. " Me? Feeding you." He said and smiled . I flustered at his word. " I..I can eat by myself. " I replied and tried to take the spoon from his hand . " Andwae , I want to feed you." He refused to let me eat by myself. " Okay fine. " I said and opened my mouth. " Good girl. " He said and stroking my hair after he feed me the cake.  " Yah , what are you doing?! " I said to him as I slapped his hand. "Mianhae. " He replied and take his hand down . Why I think he flustered at my word. I don't mean to be rude but I don't want to put my hope high. I really don't expect him to do that.

" Guys, I need to go back home after this. " Chaewon said to us as we finish the dessert. " I also need to go back before my parents get mad at me. " I replied to her . " So , do you guys want me and Changmin to accompany you while waiting for your parents to pick up?" Sunwoo asked me and Chaewon. " Is it okay?" Chaewon asked. " Why not ? You guys are my friends. So ofcourse I need to protect you guys. " He said. " Nah , you want to protect us from who? " I asked him. " Don't you know that there are a lot of byuntae man around this are?" He replied to me. " Don't be funny. There a lot of camera. I bet they won't do that. " I replied to him. " It must be such a long time since your go out right? " Sunwoo said. " Nooooo , ofcourse not. " I replied to him don't want to lose. " The camera has not been working since a month ago. " He said and smirked at me. " Jinjja , why don't they fix it up? " I asked . ". I don't know. Maybe the worker are to busy." He said. " Okay enough , so do you guys want me and Sunwoo to accompany you guys or not ?" Changmin said. " Ofcourse yes. " Chaewon said. " What about you Yena?" Changmin asked me . " Nah ,I don't want to be alone. So I will follow you guys. " I said. " Okay good. So let's wait at the entrance. And you two can called your parents yo pick you guys. " Sunwoo said to me and Chaewon.

I started to called my mom as we walked towards the entrance. " Hello? Omma , can you asked oppa to pick me up?" I said to my mom as soon as she picked up the phone. " Your brother are not home." She replied to me. " Where is he going?" I asked her back. " I don't know maybe he went out to meet his friends" my mom replied to me. " Then, how am I supposed to go back home?" I asked my mom. " Why don't you tried called you brother? " She said to me. " Arrasso omma , byeee. " I replied to her before hung up the phone. I tried to called my brother but he didn't picked up. " Chaewon-ah~~~ Sungmin oppa didn't picked up the phone. " I said to Chaewon. " Jinjja , why don't you try again." She said to me. I tried to called my brother again but he still not picked up. " What should I do now?" I started to panic. " Don't worry. I think he will called you back later. " Chaewon try to calmed me down. " Guys , wait here. Me and Sunwoo want to go somewhere for a while. " Changmin said to me and Chaewon. " Okay. " We both replied to him. Then, the boy walked away to go to the place they want to go. After a few minutes my brother called me. " Oppa , why don't you pick up my call?" I asked him. " Mianhae , I don't hear you call. I went out to meet my friend. " He replied to me. " When do you think you want yo go back home?" I asked him. " Maybe 2 to 3 hours more. Why? " He asked me. " Actually I just thought to asked you to pick me up. But it's okay. " I said to him. " Mianhae , Yena-yah. " He said to me. " It's okay oppa , I can looked for taxi. " I replied to him. " Okay then , take care Yena. Next time I will treat you your favorite cake. " He said to me. " Arrasso arrasso , bye oppa." I said to him and ended the call. " Hey , what Sungmin oppa said?" Chaewon asked me. " He said he can't pick me up. He went out yo meet his friends." I replied to him. " Then how you going to go back home?" She asked me again. " I don't know. Maybe taking the taxi or call the uber. " I replied to her. "But seriously , what taking the boy so long? Where is they actually going?" Chaewon said to me " You right , want to protect us, my ass. " I replied to her. Chaewon laugh at my word.

Not long after that , someone is walking towards me and Chaewon. " Yah , someone is walking towards us." I said to Chaewon. " Who is it?" Chaewon asked me. I looked up to look at the person. The person face are getting clear as he walked near me and Chaewon and the person is Sihoon. "Sihoon? "  I said to myself. " What Sihoon? What he doing here?" Chaewon said to me. " I...I don't know. I don't want to meet him. " I said to Chaewon. We both try to act like we don't see him. " Hi ladies , what you guys doing here? " Sihoon asked us. " What we doing here has nothing to do with you Sihoon. " Chaewon replied to him. " Owhh , relax Chaewon. I don't said that it has to do with me. " He said to Chaewon. " I want to talked with you. " He said to me. I looked up at him before stand up from my seat.

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