Part 16

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Yena's pov

* The next morning*

I wake up from my sleep and tried to remember what happened last night. Suddenly my brother called me from outside. "Yena yah , are you wake up already?" "Nae oppa. Why?" I asked him. " omma tell me to wake you up . So hurry up, We will wait for you to breakfast together." My brother replied. "Arrasso oppa, I will be there after I wash my face" I said to him and went to my bathroom. As I went inside the bathroom , I saw a wound  covered by handy plas on my face. Suddenly, I remember what happened last night. I hurriedly wash my face and brush my teeth. I walked down the stairs and went to my family. " I'm so sorry that you guys need to wait for me." I said to them. " It's okay , but Yena-yah I want to tell you that I need to go overseas for about 5 days." My dad said to me. " Geundae appa , you just come back from overseas. " I said to him. " I'm sorry princess, but I really need to go." My dad said again. " Arrasso, is oppa go with you?" I asked him . "Yes, your oppa will go with me." My dad answered my question. "Okay appa." I said to him and continue eating.

After my family finish breakfast, my mother and I accompany my dad and brother to the front door. " Oppa please take care of dad and of course for yourself too. " I said to him and hug him tightly. " Arrasso arrasso, I will. You too take care of mom and yourself. " My brother said . " Okayy." I said to him. They both went to their car and drive away. After they gone, my mother and I walked inside the house. " So omma , what we gonna do to spend time without the man." I asked my mom." Hahahahaha, I already have a plan." My mom said. My mom and I always spend our time with doing something fun together. " Omma , I want to go upstairs for a while may I ?" I asked my mom.        " Yes you can dear. If you has anything that you want just called me" my mom said to me ." Arrasso omma, I will." I replied to my mom and went upstairs. I went inside my room and take my phone. I saw about 4 unread messages from KyuQ. ' Who is KyuQ?' I asked myself and open the message.

KyuQ : Yena-yah, this me Changmin.
KyuQ : I just want to asked you if we start our study this week.
KyuQ : Yena yah, are you still sleeping?
KyuQ : it's fine, replied my message if you already wake up.

Yen🐥 : First, I already wake up.
Yen🐥 : Second, I don't mind if you want to start today since I free all day.

I replied to Changmin and opened my instagram. After a few minutes, someone messaging me, I opened it and read the chat. 

KyuQ : I'm sorry I thought you still sleeping.
KyuQ : I also free today
KyuQ : You want to do it at you house or my house or you want to study at library?

Yen🐥: I just eating breakfast with my family.
Yen🐥: How about my house since you know my house and I don't know where your house?

KyuQ : Okay I will be there around 3 p.m

Yen🐥: Contact me if you already arrive.

After replied to Changmin message, I go to my mom who is cooking at the kitchen. " Omma, Changmin want to come over this evening." I said to my mom and sit at the chair. " Why?" My mom asked. " Omma don't you remember that you told me to teach him?" I asked her back. " Owhh, that's right. Then I should cook something delicious for him. " My mom said and begin to take out the ingredients from refrigerator. " Okay omma , do you need any help?" I asked her. " Can you help me to cook some side dish as I cook the main dish?" My mom asked me. " Arrasso omma." I start to wash the ingredients needed. My family always treat a guest like this even though we not cooking anything special we still serving something for our guest. " Geundae , omma don't you think that if he come around 3. He might already eaten." I said to my mom. " You right. Why don't you message him and ask him to come early? " My mom said to me. " Arrasso omma " I went to my phone and message Changmin

Yen🐥 : Yah
Yen🐥 : My mom told me to asked you to come early.
Yen🐥 : Can you?

I wait for a few minutes and finally he replied to me.

KyuQ : Of course I can.
KyuQ : But why??

Yen🐥 : My mom decide to cook for you after I said that you want to come over.
Yen🐥 : Remember to come early or not I have something for you😈

I replied to him.

KyuQ : 😶
KyuQ : I will come now.

I just laugh after read his message that he sent to me.

Yen🐥 : Yah, you don't need to come that early
Yen🐥 : But it would be great if you come early then we can end our study more earlier.

I replied to him.

KyuQ : Alright see you later.

Yen🐥 : Okay.

I replied to him before went to the kitchen to continue cooking dish that my mom asked me to make. " Omma, Changmin said he will come early before 3. " I said to my mom as I stand next to her. " Hahahhaha , what did you said to him to that make he decide to come early?" My mom asked me. " I said nothing. Don't worry omma. I'm a good person , I will never treat people bad. " I said to my mom and wink at her. She just laugh at my statement . We both continue cooking , so that the food will be served before Changmin arrive.

After done cooking the dish , I decided to get changed in my room. " Omma I want to change my cloth because it already smelly. " I said to my mom. " Arrasso arrasso , hurry up go now before Changmin arrive." My mom replied to me and pushed me to go to my room. I went up to my room and get changed. Not long after I finished changing my cloth , I heard my mom calling me from downstairs. " Waeyo omma " I replied to my mom as I walking down the stairs. I went to my mom who at the dining room. As soon as I arrive I saw someone already sitting at the dining table with my mom. " Owhh, Yena-yah, here Changmin already arrived. Come here and sit." My mom said to me. I smiled at my mom and sit next to my mom . I looked at my phone after I sit next to my mom to check if Changmin has messaged me to tell me that he already arrived. ' Huh, so he not telling me that he already arrived. ' I said to myself .        " Changmin-ah , let's eat. All this foods has been cooked by Yena . I only cooked this food. "My mom said to Changmin as she put some food in Changmin's plate . Changmin just smiled and said thank you to my mom. " Omma, what about me? Why you only give him and not give me?" I said to my mom and make a fake cry. " Why would I ? You can take it by yourself." My mom tease me back. I just laugh at my mom words. Suddenly Changmin placed the food that I want in my plate. " Gomawo." I said to him. " Yah , you two hurry up and eat. Don't forget that you need to study." My mom said to me and Changmin. " Okay " Changmin and I replied to my mom.

After finish eating , I helped my mom cleaned the table and put the dirty plates in the sink. " It's okay I can do it by myself . Now you two can go and study." My mom said . "Arrasso omma." I said to her. " Yah let's go to my room. " I said to Changmin before start walking. Changmin followed me from behind to my room. " Yah what are you doing? Come in." I said to him as I see he just standing in front of my room. He walked into my room and asked me where should he sit. " Yah , where should I sit?" He asked me. " Sit here. " I said to him and patting the place next to me. " Do you bring your books that you want to study?" I asked him. He take out his mathematics book and put it on the table. I start to teach him the question that he don't know how to solve and told him to continue to do it by himself as I want to do my homework.  Without I realized , I looked at his face while he doing his work. I noticed a few wound on his face. ' Where he get that wound?' I wonder. "Just take a picture it will last longer." Changmin said to me.                   " When..when did I looked at you. " I tried to defend myself. " Stupid , just continue your work." Changmin said and continue his work. ' huh,  how dare he called me stupid. ' I mumble to myself. From a side I can see Changmin laugh at me , I just ignore him and continue my work.

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