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The original creepypasta follows a man named Mitch, who moves in with his brother Edwin after his house is foreclosed.

A week later, Mitch wakes up with a large gash on his cheek. Around midnight that night, Mitch wakes to see Eyeless Jack over his bed. Mitch manages to grab his camera and take a picture before Jack attacks, clawing at his chest. Mitch escapes and flees into the woods, where he trips and is knocked unconscious.

When Mitch awakens in the hospital, it is revealed to him that Edwin had been killed the previous night. His parents drive him to the house to collect his belongings.

When he enters, Mitch sees Edwin's corpse and a small object laying next to it. He observes it to find that it is his kidney with a bite taken out of it, covered in a black substance.

Eyeless Jack is described in the original story as a person (obviously lacking eyes) in a black hoodie and a expressionless blue mask with no features.

Black slime, supposedly blood, is dripping from the eye sockets behind the mask. Since the creator never wrote a backstory for the character himself, many fans took to writing their own. According to the origin story Jack was originally a normal college student that was used as a human sacrifice for a cult but the "sacrifice" failed and Jack was transformed into the eldritch abomination. The sacrifice Jack was used for involved him getting his eyes scooped out with a spoon before the cult members filled his eye sockets with a mixture of hot tar ander been known to talk to two individuals, and will often not speak to one regardless.


Jack Nichols was just like any other average college student. His only real friend was his peer and roommate, Greg. Eventually, he found a sort of friendship with another peer, Jenny, and a small group of her friends.

Jack later on discovered that the group turns out to be a cult worshiping a demon named Chernabog, with Jack involuntary made a sacrifice to be a son of Chernabog. Jenny and her friends proceed to blind Jack by pouring a hot, tar-like substance into his eyes, thus killing him in the process.

His body is soon possessed, and he butchers Jenny and the others; ripping off their masks, slashing their throats, and disemboweling them. He took their kidneys afterward presumably as a sort of prize, or the fact that it was in some way related to the cult.

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