Introduction/Meeting Ventus

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Hikari is a young girl who is destined to become a Keyblade wielder and dreams of becoming a Keyblade Master one day. And it was told that she's also a legendary Princess of Kingdom Hearts that will fulfill her destiny and bring peace to all worlds. She had a great family. A mother, a father and a sister. One night... there was a huge fire that hit her homeworld. Well... not exactly her entire homeworld but her house. Though her parents' fate was unknown, Hikari and her little sister, Haya, survived but got separated for unknown reasons. All alone, she has no one. Her grandparents, her uncle and her aunt could possibly be in hiding. She's now a lone wolf.

    But not for long, Hikari was met by a bald old man. It is Master Xehanort. Xehanort sensed Hikari's powers. He knew that Hikari is a true princess of Kingdom Hearts. Knowing that she has the power of the princess of Kingdom Hearts and strong memories, Master Xehanort decided to train Hikari in the ways of a Keyblade wielder. Hikari had summoned her first Keyblade, the Counterpoint. After training her, he decided to take Hikari to The Land of Departure to meet his old friend, Master Eraqus and told him about her potential and her powers of a princess of Kingdom Hearts. Reluctantly, Eraqus agreed to let Hikari stay and set up a Mark of Mastery exam for her. Afterwards, she befriended two of Eraqus' students, Terra and Aqua. The two got to know her at first and then three became the very best friends.

    Days have passed...Hikari was writing on her diary, recalling the events of what happened in the past until she heard a knock on the door. It was Terra.

    "Hikari! It's time for your Mark of Mastery!" Terra called behind the door.

    Hikari nodded. "Tell the master that I'll be there soon. I just got one more thing to do." She looked at her left hand, noticing that she has darkness in her left palm. Hikari had a heart balanced with light and dark. The least she can do is not mention this to Eraqus and the others.

    A minute later... Hikari met up with Terra and Aqua at the throne room where Master Eraqus was waiting for her. "Young Hikari," Eraqus said. "Are you ready for your Mark of Mastery exam?"

    Hikari nodded nervously. "Yes, master."

    Master Eraqus gets off the throne and stands up. "Good. In order to earn the rank of a Keyblade Master, you must spar with me. There is no winning or losing. It is just an exam in order to test your skills."

    Hikari nodded. "Okay."

    Eraqus smiled and summons his Master's Defender Keyblade. "Then let the examination begin!"

    Hikari summons her Counterpoint Keyblade and charges towards Eraqus while Aqua and Terra watched and it started with a clean spar. Eraqus tried to attack her but Hikari dodges it. Soon, she used magic... fire, ice, aero... and most of all... light and dark magic which surprised Master Eraqus. After they finished sparring, Master Eraqus desummoned his Keyblade and walked up to Hikari. "Hikari, care to explain about all this?" he asked.

    "Well..." Hikari said nervously.

    A couple minutes later, she explained everything and even she told Eraqus that she's the princess of Kingdom Hearts whose heart is balanced with light and darkness.

    Eraqus seemed to be mad at first but he decided to smile. "So... Xehanort told you that you're the princess of Kingdom Hearts, huh? So you do have a balanced power. Light and dark." He then took a deep breath and smiled again. "Alright, Hikari. Despite all of that, you passed the test and I'm naming you Keyblade Master."

    Aqua and Terra smiled and Hikari was relieved. Terra walked up to congratulate Hikari. "Nice job, kid."

    "You did great," Aqua said. "So how did it feel to live with us? I mean... you did before you told the master about what you truly are."

    Hikari blushed in embarrassment. "Well... I beg to differ but I wanted to keep this a secret but..."

    Master Eraqus laughed a little and smiled. "No need, young one. Your secret is safe with us. Now that you are a true Keyblade Master in the fact that we know you're really a princess of Kingdom Hearts, there will be a day that you will unlock new powers."

    Hikari gulped. "Meaning?"

    "You will grow up to fulfill your destiny. In the future... I will not be around to be helping you unlock the true powers of a princess of Kingdom Hearts," Eraqus finished. "And even though Terra and Aqua won't be there to guide you one day, you must do it on your own, especially when you are making new friends."

    Hikari looked down. "I understand."

    "In the meantime," Eraqus said with a smile. "Why don't we call it a day? I'll have a word with Master Xehanort while you stay put." He turned to Terra and Aqua. "Terra, Aqua, look after Hikari."

    Terra and Aqua nodded. "Yes, master."

    45 minutes later... Terra and Aqua was practicing their swinging with their Keyblades while Hikari watched. It was until they heard a door opening. Terra, Aqua and Hikari walked over to the railing to take a look. It was Master Xehanort and a boy with blonde hair that they, not even Hikari, never met before. Master Xehanort walked up to Eraqus. "You wished to see me, my old friend?"

    "Yes," Eraqus nodded. "You have a lot of explaining to do regarding Hikari."

    Xehanort nodded as he silently followed Eraqus. Aqua, Terra and Hikari, who had been watching, exchanges looks.

    "That boy—is he okay?" Aqua asked.

    "I don't know," Hikari said. "Maybe he's either sick or sad."

    "Let's go see," Terra said as he and Hikari walked downstairs to where the boy is.

    Terra and Hikari walked up to him. "I'm Terra," he said and points to Hikari. "And this is my friend, Hikari."

    "Hi," Hikari said to the boy. "What's your name?"

    "Ventus," the boy replied.

    "Ventus..." Hikari said with a smile. "That's a nice name."

    Terra agreed. "He can talk!" He turned to Aqua who's still upstairs. "Aqua, c'mere."

    Aqua smiled and rushed downstairs to look at Ventus. "Hi, I'm Aqua."

    Ventus began to look at Terra, Aqua and Hikari and spoke. "Terra... Aqua... Hikari..."

    Hikari smiled and started to ask Ventus some questions. "So, what brings you here, Ventus? Are you here to become a Keyblade Master like me? Where are you from? Is that the same old man that I met a long time ago? And mind if I call you "Ven" or "Venty-Wenty"?"

    As Hikari keeps on asking questions, Ventus felt a pain in his head which surprised Hikari, Terra and Aqua.

    "Whoa! What's the matter?" Terra looked at Ventus.

    "Are you okay?" Aqua asked. Then, she gave Hikari a stern look.

    Hikari laughed nervously. "Was it something I said?"

    Master Eraqus who arrived with Master Xehanort heard everything and glared at Hikari. "What did you do?"

    "It's not my fault, master," Hikari said, putting her hands up in surrender. "I-I was only asking him a few questions. That's all." She looked over at Master Xehanort who's lifting up an unconscious Ventus.

    "Ventus cannot tell you anything..." Eraqus reprimanded Hikari. "...because he cannot remember anything."

    Hikari felt bad for what she did so she bursts into tears and ran back into her room. I wonder what is Hikari gonna do about it. I can't tell you more or I shall spoil the next chapter.

    To be continued...

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