Sad News from Yen Sid/Battle at the Keyblade Graveyard

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Aqua and Hikari arrived at the Mysterious Tower and brought an unconscious King Mickey back to Master Yen Sid. His friends, Donald Duck and Goofy, ran over to him.

"King Mickey," Donald cried.

"King Mickey," Goofy cried as well.

Master Yen Sid was speaking to Aqua and Hikari. He had some sad news to tell. "Aqua, Hikari, the stars bring me grave news. Master Eraqus's star has blinked out. I am afraid that means he has been struck down."

Hikari's eye widened. "Our master?!"

Aqua was shocked. "But—Who is responsible?"

"Yeah," Hikari agreed. "Who would do such bad things?"

Yen Sid sighed and looked at the stars blinking outside the window. "Master Xehanort...and Terra."

Aqua gasped as tears streamed down her face and slammed her hands on the desk, crying, "NO!" It startled Donald and Goofy.

Hikari pats Aqua's shoulder and looks at Master Yen Sid. "With all due respect, Master Yen Sid, that sounds absurd. Terra would never... I mean he wouldn't hurt a fly."

	Master Yen Sid had to agree with Hikari in a sad way

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Master Yen Sid had to agree with Hikari in a sad way. "I hope with all my heart that you two are right about your friend. There are some things even the stars cannot tell me."

"Where is he? Where can we find Terra?" Aqua asked, wiping her tears.

"Terra's heart is leading him to the ancient Keyblade Graveyard, where wielders of those weapons once waged war," Master Yen Sid replied sadly.

"All right," Hikari said. The, she turned to Aqua. "We have to go after him, Aqua...and see if it's true."

Aqua nodded. "Let's go then."

"Be on your guard," Master Yen Sid warned as Hikari and Aqua, who nodded, left the tower.

After leaving Master Yen Sid's tower, Aqua and Hikari are driving their gliders in the Lanes Between. Aqua held onto her blue Wayfinder. "Terra, Ven...please just be safe."

"We'll find a way to get you out of this," Hikari said, holding onto her red Wayfinder.

	"We'll find a way to get you out of this," Hikari said, holding onto her red Wayfinder

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