10|Rule Break

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*Isabella's POV*

I knocked on Miles' door and waited to be invited in. As he opened the door his eyes widened. He was still in his football clothes.

"You're early."

As I turned on my phone to see the time I saw that it was only 3:30. Without saying anything I shrugged my shoulders.

"Come in." he said while making room for me to pass.

I walked in and headed straight to the dining table to get started.

"I need to take a shower first but here," he said while handing me a thick, yellow coloured book. "it's a bit long but I think you'd like it. This was the book that made me fall in love with reading." he ended.

Before I could reply he was already up the stairs. The last thing I'd expect was for him to give me a book.

I sat down in the living room and began reading the book until he came.


"The end." Miles dictated as I typed on my laptop.

As I listened to him speak I couldn't help but remember his strange behavior from earlier today.

"Why were you acting like that at lunch?" I finally blurted out. I know Troy had said it was because of his coach but I didn't buy it.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. Why were you acting so angry earlier today?"

"What part of the we aren't friends are you not getting? I don't have to answer to you so let's finish the work so you can leave." he said, already building up anger in his tone.

"Why were you so mad at Tessa? Why couldn't I tell her that I was with you the other night? I had to lie to her twice in one day."

He stayed silent gazing at the blank wall in front of him.

"Why did you tell your friends that it was your mom's book? Do they not know you read?" I continued on.

I know I was overdoing with the questions but if there was any chance of me getting an answer for at lease one I wouldn't mind.

"Just shut up already!" Miles shouted as he threw his clenched fists on the table. "All you do is ask questions and dig your nose where it isn't suppose to be. Dammit, we've only been partners for two months and you're already driving me freaking crazy!"

He got up and walked out.

He was right. I was being nosey but I was only trying to make sense of all of this. I need sensible logic in my life.

I gave Miles a few minutes to cool off then got up to look for him.

I spotted him on the back patio. He was sitting on a bench with his back turned to me and his face buried in his palms. He didn't seem to be aware of my presence and I contemplated whether or not I should just interrupt him or wait.

I stepped forward and took a seat beside me. He looked at me for a second then returned to his previous position.

"Look," I started off. "whether we like it or not we are going to be partners until we graduate. I just thought it would be easier if we got along." I said then waited for him to respond but he didn't.

Giving up, I moved to get up but then I felt him hold me.

"Wait." he said while still looking down.

I tried my best to hide the broad smile that appeared on my face but failed miserably.

"You don't understand." he continued.

"Well make me understand."

We were inches apart. I could even feel his breath blow on me as his piercing eyes looked down at me.

My eyes stayed glued to his as my heart raced. I felt paralyzed. This was the first time I have been under his gaze in such close proximity and it had twice the effect on me than it did the other times. I watched as his eyes slowly moved from my eyes to my lips then back to my eyes. It sent shivers down my spine.

He slowly leaned towards me and I couldn't help but do the same. I was about to kiss Miles.

Just when our lips were about to collide he pulled away.

"This is the last time I'm going to tell you this. We aren't friends and we'll never be friends." he whispered into my ears then he got up.

He was stern when he said it so I know he meant it. I couldn't help but feel angry. I was mad at him for not telling me why and even worse I was mad at him for not kissing me.

Why did I want someone who has treated me nothing but cold for no reason to kiss me? Why did I keep feeling like my insides were being set on fire each time he took a glance at me?

I had gotten so caught up on finding out the reason for his mood swings that I didn't even realize I was developing feelings for him.

He didn't even make an effort and I had already developed feelings. And there goes the second rule I promised Tessa I wouldn't break, 'don't fall for Miles'.

"Take me home."

"What? We haven't even finished."

I didn't want him to see the rage on my face. I wasn't mad at him but instead I was mad at myself. How could I have expected him not to feel the same way. He was perfectly clear on day one that he would never want any friendship between us, much less a relationship.

"Take me home."

I got into the passenger's seat while he got into the driver's. As soon as I was buckled up he turned in my direction to the window.

"Look, Isabella don't make it any harder than it has to be." he said with a mixture of guilt and anger in his voice.

Maybe I was being a little bit overdramatic but how else was I suppose to feel.

I guess he got the message because he started the car and drove forward.

The whole ride was silent. I didn't mind because what were we suppose to talk about? Sometimes I see him take short glances at me through my peripheral vision but that was it.

We reached at my house in no time since the traffic was light and I spent the rest of my day studying and trying to keep my mind off of him.

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