chapter twenty-two ; the "date" 3

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"And this is our last destination," he said, opening the door for me so I could get out. I thanked him and got out, taking a look at my surroundings. We were in a deserted parking lot.

"This place is oddly empty," I stated. "Are you about to kill me?"

"Definitely," he joked. "Come with me, it's only a second's walk away from here."

We walked for barely a minute through thick foliage and wet grass in the dark before finally reaching a quiet spot between all the thick trees. The area was nothing too special when first looked at; there was an extensive growth of plants and trees all around us but this area in specific only had a stray bench along with a few empty places where one could lie on the grass.

I wasn't too keen on lying on the grass that day however because it seemed to have drizzled an hour prior and the grass was still slightly wet. I didn't want bugs crawling into my hair that I'd just washed hours before.

"Come sit with me," he said, making his way over to the bench and sitting down. 

I felt to see if the bench was wet first before sitting down after confirming that it was dry, "Do you come to this place often?"

"Are you flirting with me, doc?" he teased. 

"Oh shut up," I huffed, looking away.

"I'm only teasing," he said, ruffling my hair before letting his arm sit around my shoulders. "I only started coming here very often after my dad's death. Before that, I just came once in a while. It's nice to just sit here and look at the stars."

"The stars?" I began before tilting my head to look up at the endless sky - and my Lord, the sky was beautiful from where we sat.

There was an endless stretch of absolute darkness, illuminated by the twinkle of stars that seemed ever so tiny from where we were seated. It was a breathtaking sight. But for some reason, instead of looking up at the sky, I could feel Micah looking at me instead.

"You're a nice person to be around, doc," he said out of the blue. "We've known each other for around two months now and I already feel like I can trust you. Is that too soon?"

"I don't think so," I responded. "I feel pretty nice around you too. Even though it took me two months to feel this way."

"So the date did help after all?" he chuckled. I scoffed in response but didn't bother denying it because he was somewhat right.

"It's pretty cold, don't you think?" he said after a moment of silence. I could hear his teeth chattering, and the arm which he had around my shoulder was beginning to give way to goosebumps.

I shrug his arm off before taking my jacket off and handing it over to him, "I'm wearing a sweater underneath so I'll be fine. Take it."

"I should be the one giving you my jacket," he sighed playfully, putting the jacket on. "Thank you."

"How's Miles now?" I inquired as he scooted closer to me for a little more warmth. "Is he still throwing up and all that?"

"No," he responded. "He's back to the healthy bloke he was before. All thanks to you."

"Happy to help."

"Say," he started. "Were you ever romantically involved with that old dude who's always in the room with you in the hospital?"

I nearly strangled him then and there, "Huh?! Dr. Wang?"

"Is that his name? Yeah, sure, Dr. Wang," he said with a cheeky smirk. "I thought you were in a relationship with him or something. He's always watching you so closely."

"That's because I'm a resident doctor, he's required to assist me," I stated. "Why would I date him anyway? He's far older than me."

"We all need that bag sometimes, doc," he chuckled. "And I'm not gonna lie, you're hot. Of course if he'd be into you if he liked men, y'know?"

"No, I don't know," I huffed. "And stop flirting with me, I'm your doctor."

"I'm not flirting, just stating the obvious," he responded. "Now that I think about it.. your jacket kinda smells like him."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I gasped in response, a pinch away from drowning him. 

"Watch your language, doctor," he warned, as if he were a figure of authority. 

"So now I'm a doctor?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "And you're still incredibly hot."

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