chapter thirty-three ; second date 3

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"Here we are," Micah proclaimed once we'd made our way to the area he regarded as 'the special spot'. "God, I didn't realize how cold the water was. I'm freezing."

"Here, you can have my jacket-," I began before realizing that my jacket was soaked as well. "Nevermind."

"Thanks for the offer," he snickered before taking his seat on the bench again, patting the area beside him and ushering for me to sit down as well. I obliged without a single word and let out a sigh, feeling my shoulders loosen up. 

"You seem to like this place as much as I do," he observed. "I'm glad."

"Why?" I asked, tilting my head back so I could look up at the sky.

Since it wasn't nighttime entirely, the sky was painted with streaks of purple and azure. We could still see the moon, though faint, it was evident amongst the translucent clouds. It was a breathtaking sight to behold and I wanted nothing more than to bask in the glory of it all for centuries to come. 

"I'm glad I can enjoy it with somebody else," he answered in a soft voice. "I've been coming down here alone all this time, it feels nice to share it with someone special."

My heart jumped at me being regarded as somebody special to him yet I ignored it. I wasn't to pay any mind to meaningless reactions of my body that weren't under my control. 

"Someone special, huh?" I teased. "I'm kidding. I'm glad I can be here with you."

"That's a lot of talk from somebody who constantly reminds me that he's my doctor," he retaliated with a brazen look on his face. "How has work been treating you recently?"

"Decently," I answered. "It's a little hectic, but that's what comes within the medical field. What about you? How have your multiple jobs been treating you?"

"Sometimes they can be stressful but I've made a lot of great friends at the workplace," he replied. "So it makes all the stress worth it."

I nodded in response and we sat in silence for a few minutes. The enjoyable kind of silence. His presence in itself was comforting so we didn't even have to utter any words, this was fine on its own. 

"Can I ask you something?" he questioned.


"I hope I'm not intruding," he began cautiously. "But that day when I mentioned coping with the loss of my father, I noticed how your mood just did a one-eighty. It's been bugging me for a while, I wanted to ask you why for the longest time but I didn't want to be intrusive."

"Oh," I hesitated before clearing my throat. 

We'd known each other long enough for me to be able to tell him, right? 

I concluded that it would be of no harm to tell him, "My parents actually passed away a long time ago."

"Oh," he responded quietly. "I'm so sorry for your loss. May I ask how?"

"They were admitted at the hospital for some health issues," I began. "The doctors and nurses just refused to pay proper attention to them. It was a government hospital and I wanted to pay to admit them to a private hospital so they'd be taken care of better but I just couldn't afford it. I was freshly out of high-school and it was so much stress. I had to apply for a scholarship in college but that didn't work out so I was working multiple jobs while attending early lectures. Those times were awful. Everything was awful without having parents to take care of me and remind me that everything would turn out okay."

"That must've been so difficult for you, I can't even imagine losing my parents at that age," he pondered. "But for what it's worth, I think you turned out to be an amazing guy despite everything you've been through. You could've easily traversed down a darker route and ruined yourself entirely but you decided to build a better future for yourself - now here you are, a whole doctor."

"Thank you," I grinned. "I could say the same about you actually."

"I'm nothing too special," he replied. "But I'm glad you think of me so highly, doctor."

"You know, I actually feel pretty nice around you," I started before I could stop myself. There's no turning back now. "I couldn't stand you initially, you were so annoying. But after spending some time with you, there's so much more to you than just a cocky handsome jerk who flirts with nearly the entirety of the male population."

He let out a small laugh, "Hey, you've got me all wrong."

"I'm not done," I interrupted. "I'm glad I can share special moments like this with somebody. All these years it's just been Alex and I. Sometimes throw Dustin, Ethan and Autumn into the mix but I never suspected that I'd end up befriending someone with such a sick taste in music. Someone who can actually handle the spice of Indian food. Someone who's just.. so awesome."

I turned to face him and found myself mirroring the smile that was on his face. He let out a soft sigh and turned to face me. It had already grown dark at that point and silence enveloped us, with the only audible noise being the sound of crickets in the distance and a dog barking a street away. 

And I don't know what it was about that moment that compelled me to shift closer to him. 

Was it how nice he smelled? Was it how at-home he made me feel? Was it the light of the stars above us? Was it the intensity of the moment caused by me sharing a personal story regarding the death of my parents?

I couldn't tell. But at the end of it, my lips were pressed up against his. He had his hand resting on my cheek and mine was holding onto his shirt as if I were afraid of him slipping away in that very moment. 

He didn't protest, not even once. 

Instead, he pulled me closer and tilted his head so he could deepen the kiss. I could feel the pace of his heartbeat quickening as did mine. My heart was in shambles and I could barely contain myself at how well his lips fit against mine. It was almost as if we were made for each other, as if this was meant to happen. 

"Amos," he whispered, pulling back only for a brief moment. "Should we really be doing this?"

"I don't care," I whispered back before slamming my lips against his once again.

In that moment, nothing else mattered.

It was as if the Earth contained only the two of us. 

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