Chapiter 6

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Sneaking onto the helicopter wasn't such a bad idea. Satori got a lot of information of the Avengers' next few plans to get her. After she closed her third-eye, they seemed to think that she teleported, but she was actually still in the vehicle. She mastered many new abilities with her own mind, since it's pretty ironic the fact that the Mind Youkai couldn't control her own mind.

She managed to clear her thoughts and block them. Afterwards, she became more of a strategist, sharpening her mind. Her sister, Koishi, was more of a Wing It person. Together, it's almost impossible to defeat.

"Capture them," She heard.

So, he isn't going to rest easy, huh? Hm... cut off the head and the problem goes away? Guess that's what I'll do, she sighed. Time to pay Furious Fury a visit. When the helicopter landed on the landing pad at the top of the Avengers' Tower, she quickly found her way to where Nick Fury was seated near the meeting desk, waiting for the Avengers.

She sensed her sister near him. She told Satori that she was planning on gathering information from the director himself. Soon, they arrived, sitting all around the table.

"So," Nick started, "As I told you, we must recruit them," 

They won't stop until they get to us, which means that we can't take a break. But if we agree... is peace garanteed? Is it really worth it? Satori pondered while watching them, Guess I'll have to risk it, seeing as they won't take no as an answer. 

"And that, is the plan, alright?" Fury declared.

"That won't be necessary," Satori opened her third-eye, making her appear.

The team jumped back it surprise, except for Natalia and Clint. Fury immediately stood up and pointed a gun at her.

Koishi appeard beside Satori, giggling.

"Y-Your faces! Oh my-" Koishi covered her mouth to stiffle her laughter.

"You wanted to recruit us? That's not a very good way to show it," Satori quirked an eyebrow up, "If you do want us to help, we have a few conditions," 

Nick nodded, putting his gun away.

"First, we can leave whenever we want. Second, don't spy on our lives in the tower. Third, we're not joining," Satori declared.

"I can't respect those conditions if you don't join,"

"I said help, not join. I think I made that part clear enough to enter your hard noggin," She countered.

Few of the Avengers hid their smile.

"Besides, you're kind of doing a bad job finding information about targets," Koishi whispered into his ear.

This time, he turned around in surprise. No one (except Satori maybe) realized that Koishi crept up behind him.

"And how's that?" He retorted.

"What are our names?"

Boom. Four words. Four words put Nick Fury in trouble. He tried plans to get the two girls, yet he  never got their names.

"I-I..." He faltered.

None of the Avengers ever saw him falter nor stammer, which was a huge surprise.

"Anyways, you have to respect those conditions if you want us as allies," Satori interrupted.

"I'll agree to your terms," He said after some time of thinking.

"So what are your names?" Steve asked.

"Satori Komeiji,"

"Koishi Komeiji," 

They then bowed in unison, making it rather ridiculously formal.

"Now uh, how about I show you your rooms?" Tony stood up and clapped his hands together.

"Lead the way," Koishi said.

"Jarvis, lead these two girls to the spare rooms the living quarters' floors," 

"Of course, Mr. Stark,"

Holographic arrows suddenly lit up in the corridors, pointing them towards their rooms.

Hi again! I decided to put the cover for the next crossover! If you don't want to know, close your eyes, scroll to the bottom quickly to avoid seeing it! I'm putting some spaces to avoid seeing it while reading this.

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