Chapter 8

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Razor-sharp glowing weapons appeared on Dr. Strange's hands. He prepped them in a defences position to prevent a quick attack. Satori immediately began searching through his thoughts and memories in order to find an advantage. She didn't feel like exposing her powers to much, so she settled for something more subtle.

She found two major weapons on him. His cape and the stone hidden inside his pendant. The cape can improve his chances mostly in defence. The time stone... something that can help in both defence and offence.

She then started circling him, both trying to stall and find a good tactic. That cape has it's own mind, so I can't really use it. At most, I can render it useless. I should get that time stone. I plan formulated in her mind and she lunged towards him, fighting in hand-to-hand combat. She quickly learned how to make his glowing discs, surprising for a moment. During that short pause, she immediately rendered the cape unconscious, and lifted the pendant off his neck.

She put it on her own neck. He unfroze and stared at her.

"You don't even know how to use that," He said.

"But you do," She replied.

She found the memory with the instructions of a book and did so. She crossed her arms over her chest, keeping her fists clenched except for two fingers. She withdrew them carefully and the pendant opened to reveal the timestone. Immediately, a circlet of green light formed around her  forearm. She focused on the doctor, and twitched her arm, freezing him in time.  

She thought of someone that she met once: Hata no Kokoro. 

"Noh of Darkness," She murmured.

Avengers' POV

The Avengers watched as she muttered something, then did an action that resembled slapping the doctor.

"What's she doing?" Natasha asked.

Suddenly, the room went in a dramatic utter darkness. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared, illuminating Satori and Dr. Strange's figure, but Satori had something that looked like... a spear. The doctor was on his knees. The light vanished.

"What's happening?" Fury immediately asked.

Another flash, Satori with some sort of fans, Dr. Strange on the floor.


Satori with an object in her hand. 


Satori with a spear.

The sequence continued, each one with Satori with an object in her hand, Dr. Strange in various poses. Each scene flashed more quickly than the previous one, until the gym appeared again. 

What they saw was Dr. Strange on the floor, unconscious. Satori with her arms crossed standing beside him. The pendant with the timestone inside was on his neck again.

"W-What d-did you..." Tony faltered, "You guys are goddamn powerful..."

Even Steve was stunned enough to not shush him.

Dr. Strange moaned, rubbing his head.

"What h-happened to me?"

Koishi waved a bit. His eyes widened as he remembered the fight.

"So I've been beaten... by a—" He frowned, "How old are you?"

"Does it really matter?" Satori replied.

"How did you use the timestone? It's protected with some of the most powerful spells!" He asked, "I'm sure that you don't know how to do the spells and stuff," 

"But you do," She said quietly.

"Alright, can you tell us your abilities and all?" Fury asked, holding a clipboard.

"How about we ask you a question? Then you'll find out eventually," Koishi giggled.

"Fine, then,"

"How did you become half-blind?" She asked.

"I think I already told you; I trusted the wrong person,"

"Is it really a person?" Koishi whispered.


Nick suddenly panicked, "M-Maybe not—"

He ran out of the gym. Nobody stopped him.

"It was Goose," Satori sighed.

"A goose pecked his eye out?" Steve shuddered at the idea.

"The cat?" Natasha asked.


"Which cat?" Bruce frowned.

"Remember when we had this big party in the tower after the war? Carol brought an orange tabby called Goose," 

"So a cat... scratched Fury's eye... and he called it traitorship," Tony summed up. He suddenly started nodding with a smug look, "Blackmail,"

"How did you know?" Natasha looked at them.

"Find out yourself," 

Another chappy done. Yesterday, one of my best friends recommended me to read Demon Slayer (manga). If anybody here is Demon Slayer fan, can you tell me if it's best to read the manga or watch the episodes? IF I feel like it, I might even do a crossover between Demon Slayer and Touhou.

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