Chapter 7

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"Alright, we need to start getting to know our new voodoo friends," Tony grumbled.

It was morning, all the Avengers are around the breakfast table.

"Speaking of which, where are they, Jarvis?" Tony asked his AI.

"Misses Komeiji were on the rooftop," Jarvis replied, "Would you like to tell them anything?"

"Can you ask them to come to the breakfast table?"

"No worries, we're here," Satori and Koishi walked towards the kitchen.

"Weren't you on the rooftop?"

"Correction, we were on the rooftop while you asked Jarvis, but we were in the hallways while Jarvis replied," Koishi said.

"And how did you know...?"

"Because you were loud enough,"

"So uh, since you're new here, can we ask some questions?" Steve interrupted.

"And interrogation?"

He tensed, since it was exactly what he tried to attempt without them noticing.

"Not an interrogation, more of a get-to-know," Natasha cut in.

Steve sent her a grateful look.

"More of an interrogation in disguise of a get-to-know," Satori narrowed her eyes.

Silence cut throught the room. The Avengers were stunned by how much Satori managed to look through their words.

"Fine, it's an interrogation, but please?" Clint asked.

Koishi shrugged while Satori rolled her eyes.

"So where do you come from?" He asked, taking that as a yes.

"I think it's pretty obvious that we're Japanese," Satori sat down on a poof chair.

"How did you learn such good english? I mean, I barely hear an accent," Steve asked.

"That's for us to know," Koishi smiled mysteriously, "And for you to never find out,"

"Also, we don't have a single file on you two, at most, people have a very thin one, but you two don't have anything," Nick Fury barged into the kitchen.

"And?" Satori raised an eyebrow, "What do you expect us to say?"

"SHIELD has a file on everyone, until today," Fury glared at them.

"Sir? How did you become half-blind?" Koishi interrupted.

"It's because someone I trusted betrayed me," 

"Is the interrogation over?" Satori interrupted.

"We'll continue later," Fury replied, "I want to see you do a demonstration of your power,"

Koishi tilted her head, "Power?"

"Don't pretend. You somehow erase our memories and make the whole team collapse by staring at them,"

"If you want," Satori shrugged.

They went into some sort of training gym with very thick walls and bullet-proof windows to watch. The Avengers went into the cabin where they can set the training difficulty.

"Alright, Koishi, you first. Satori, come here," Tony instructed.

"Now what?" Koishi asked once they were in place.

"Now, you're going to fight one of us to test your power," 

"Actually," She looked up defiantly, "I fight all of you. At once,"

That shocked them, until they remembered what happened at the beach. 

"We'll start with Steve and—"

"Me?" Peter interrupted.

He was so silent that barely anyone remembered that he was there.

"Sure, kid. Go ahead," He and Steve went out of the door towards the gym.

Do I use spell cards? Koishi asked while she waited for them.

Maybe not. I don't feel like making them suspicious with saying the spell cards, also, don't go too hard on them. Satori replied after a brief moment of thinking.

Alright then! 

After that, Peter and Steve went inside the room, equiped. Peter had his web-shooters on his wrists and Steve had his shield. Koishi looked at the window, waiting for permission. Tony slammed the red button on the control desk and a buzzer blared out.

Koishi immediately got her knife and twirled it around her fingers.

"Gosh, she looks like a maniac," Bruce widened his eyes, "Only murderers like to do so..."

"And you guys haven't killed people while saving the world?" Satori glanced at them.

They went back to watching. Right now, Peter was swinging, attempting to land a good mighty kick. Steve charged in with his shield fighting her. Her knife and his shield made pretty loud Clang! noises.

Peter then got slightly annoyed at missing every kick, so he started shooting webs at her when Steve backed up from her assaults. That's when she closed her third-eye, making it harder for her to predict her opponents' movements. 

When they were a good distance away, she put both hands on the side of her head. Immediately, a red electric circle pulsed out, in the form of her non-existent thoughts. Steve and Peter fell down, dazed by that sudden powerful attack. Meaning Koishi won the match.

"So how was that?" Her knife disappeared once again.

"Very intense," Tony said with big eyes.

Satori smirked internally, They should see an actual intense battle. She shook her head. Steve, Peter and Koishi went inside the cabin. 

"Now you, against—" Tony started.

"Me," They saw a man in a black outfit with a red cape walking inside.

"Doc Strange," Bruce said.

"I heard about your new recruits, so I decided to join,"

"Not recruits," Satori muttered.

"Go ahead,"

They walked into the gym in their fighting stances. The buzzer blared.

Let us begin

I'm a bit stuck here because Satori doesn't particular skillcards for non-danmaku fights. Just wondering what I should do:

Surrender the match

Invent some moves

Use Koishi's moveset (Closing her third-eye minus the knife)

Steal Dr. Strange's time stone and copy his method to use it against him

Make him collapse and end the match real quick

Something else ————>>

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